Chapter 15

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The next morning I decided to take a walk outside of the house.

Once Im outside, Morgue beat me to it.

He was playing with his swords and stopped when he saw me.

He slightly smiled and walked up to me.

"Can you keep yesterday a secret. Between me and you?" He asks.

"My lips are sealed." I said smiling.

"Hmm I think you should start sealing lips with somebody else haha" Morgue signals me that somebody is walking out of the house.

It was Seungri.

I lightly push Morgue embarassed making him lightly laugh.

Seungri sees us and walks up to us smiling.

"Goodmorning." He says.

I look at him and smile.

"Hey Green Eyed creep!" Morgue jokingly says.

"Haha whatever" Seungri laughs.

I love their relationship. I bet they have so much history together.

"Jin Ae?" Somebody pats my back.

I turn around and see Robin smiling at me.

"Oh hey! Whats up?" I asked.

"Can you come with me?" He reaches his hand out to me smiling.

A hand then pushes it down.

It was Seungri who which he glared into Robin's eyes.

"Oh shit..." Morgue says and walks away clashing his swords together.


"I just want to talk to her. What I cant?" Robin growls.

Seungri doesnt answer the question and just walks away.

My heart dropped as I saw him walk away.

I wanted to hug him so badly.

I suddenly ran towards him, hugging him from behind.

"Don't go." I said.

His body froze and he turned around to look at me.

His green eye glowed but then he looked away from me.

"Please. Dont tease me. Robin is waiting. Leave me alone." Seungri walks away leaving me in a state of pain.

Robin then stands next to me.

"I wish you looked at me the way you look at him. It must me nice. But he just walks away." He says to me.

I look at Robin as he smiled at me.

He touches my face as he kisses my cheek softly and hugging me.

Suddenly, Robin's body was pushed to the ground.

"What the hell is your problem!!" Robin's teeth sharpen and his eyes glow red.

Seungri stood next to me clenching his fists breathing heavily glaring at Robin.

"Don't touch her..." Seungri says.

"Seungri. Stop it please." I grab his arm.

"So this is what you like? You like him? Huh?" Seungri asks me.

My body trembles as I back away from his glare.

Robin growls as he gets in front of me.

"Do you even care you emotionless prick?!!" Robin yells at Seungri.

Seungri clenches his fists tighter and just when he was going to aim at Robin, Morgue stops his arm.

"What is this huh? Some kind of drama. Stop it." Morgue says holding Seungri's wrist.

Seungri looked at me as if he were about to cry.

"Let me go!" Seungri moves his arm away from Morgue.

His green eye kept glaring at me.

"If you really like her. Show it to her. Dont just walk away from your emotions." Robin growls as he grabs my hand taking me inside the house.

"I know you need to be alone Jin Ae so yea. Go ahead." Robin shakes my head.

"I know you dont feel the same way, but just know I will protect you no matter what. Seungri is a jerk at times but he is a jerk when he really cares about somebody. As much as it hurts me, go to where you want to go. No matter what, Ill always be there." He walks away from me entering his room.

I am glad you understand me.

Im sorry Robin. It is Seungri who I like...

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