Chapter 14

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"Wait what? Seungri?" I asked studdering.

"Yes. The green eye Seungri. What do you think?" Morgue asks.

I wrapp his injury quickly and put everything away trying to ignore his question.

Why am I so nervous about it?

Do I like Seungri? I mean..Maybe..

"He talks alot about you. You know that?" Morgue says. "Pretty annoying but I love that guy so I listen to him. You know its a bromance thing."

I look at Morgue shocked, "He talks about me? What do you mean?"

Morgue signals me to sit down so I listen to him and sit next to him.

"Yup. He also hates you next to Robin." He says. "He doesnt need to even tell me in order for me to know. He doesnt like showing his feelings but Jin Ae he has feelings and yes he likes you."

My heart pounded as I heard Morgue's words.

"Love sucks though. Well at least for me. Prove me wrong. Make my brother from another mother happy. Yes, prove me wrong." Morgue gets up and walks away.

I run after Morgue confused by his words, "What do you mean prove you wrong?" I asked.

"I was in love once. Broken. Now im the most emotionless man in the world. Sticking swords into my body is nothing compared to what I felt that day." Morgue says and walks away.

Somehow my heart fell by Morgue's words.

Without realizing it, a tear ran down my face. Morgue....

-Later that Night-

I walk outside the show home and sit on the stairs looking up at the sky.

I couldnt help but think about what Morgue was telling me.

Does Seungri really like me?

Do I like him?

"Hey Jin Ae. I guess I wont be alone tonight out here." Morgue sits beside me.

"Just alot to think about" I sighed.

"You know. We are the only ones awake. So you are okay to say anything to me if you want." Morgue says to me.

"I have nothing right now. My mind isnout of place." I said.

Morgue nods and looks up to the stars.

"Electra..." he suddenly says.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Electra was the girl I fell in love with. Twisted plot of events for you huh?" Morgue looks at me emotionless.

"Is that why you two arent so close?" I asked curiously.

"Im socially not attached to anybody but Seungri but yes. I do care about everybody in this house including her but I dont really speak to her." Morgue explains. "I bet her before Jay did. But she broke my heart. She left me for Jay. Making me how I am today. I dont blame her but my emotions got to me so much that I just dont feel it anymore."

Morgue's expression stood stern.

"Im sorry about that." I said speechless.

"Im over it. But it did change me. Jay is much better anyways right?" Morgue looks into my eyes.

"No! Dont say that Morgue!" I yelled.

Morgue laughs, "I see why Seungri likes you. You are something special"

Morgue then looks up at the sky again.

I look at him feeling terrible.

"Jin Ae? Why me?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why am I this way? Why do I live like this? Do I deserve it?" He kept looking up at the sky.

"I believe that whatever comes and goes is for a reason. I mean I was born an orphan and I beleive that we just have to accept it. But you know Morgue, you shouldnt let one pain affect you. Open up.Dont be so emotionless. You have us. Seungri. And me. I care about you. Its good to have emotions. Pain, happiness, sadness, its all part of life." I said looking at him.

Morgue then looks down and a tear drop falls from his face.

I slightly smiled and hugged him gently, "I'll prove it to you Morgue" I whispered.

Morgue's tears piled up more as he hugged me back.

"Thank you. Jin Ae." He cries in my arms.

I cried along with him as I looked up into the stars.

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