Deceive ch 47

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"Deceive ch 47"
At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia was in the living room with her children when a woman came into the room."Where Ned!! What happened to my baby! Calm down! Now who are you"I'm Lois"Oh,I'm Olivia,Ned wife,Ned is at the Hospital "What happened "The nurse ball was at the airport and someone crash a jet into the crowd "No,I sure go"Why don't you take a minute to just calm down and have some tea or something ,Brooklyn need you but not upset "You're right "Lois and Olivia sit down,"You and Ned have children "Yes Edward and Tracy "You named you're daughter after Tracy"Yes,I wanted to honor her "Tracy Gone"Yes"Wow,A lot has changed "Yes"Ned came into the room."Lois,I'm so glad you're here "I'm going to take the twins to the park so you both can talk "Olivia,You Don't have too 'It's Find,I want to spend time with the twins after what happened last night "Olivia left with the children."Ned,What happened "It was just an accident "Who was in the jet that crash"Heather Webber "She did this "Yes,I'm glad she dead"Me too,Will Brooklyn wake up"I don't know"I need to see her "Yes Let's go"

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae was in her room looking around when Skye came into the room."Do you remember it"A little "Why don't you take a shower and rest"Sure,Mother I'm scared "You're Father and I will help you with this"I know"Lila Rae went into the bathroom and Skye went back downstairs and Lorenzo was in the room."My Mother can get out tomorrow I want to move her in here "Sure,We will help Rae"Yes I'm going to see her"Alright "Lila Rae is in the shower and then will take a nap"Skye,I got this "How did you and Mateo put Olivia Jerome body in the jet "The Least you know the better "Alright "Skye left..

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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