Chapter 5: Family Bonding

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T.W: Remus being Remus

Roman's POV (switchin it up)

A loud, and if I'm honest, very girly screech is heard coming from the kitchen. Being the naturally heroic person I am, I rush towards whatever damsel in distress I may find. I stop in the doorway, deciding whether to be disappointed or laugh.

Virgil comes up behind me, not really able to see past my frame. "What is it? What happened? Did someone die?!"

I see him start to panic, and put my hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "Not exactly...." I move out of the way and lightly push him towards the kitchen entrance. There he can see Remus and his boyfriend, Janus, using the fire extinguisher on the recently on fire toaster.

"Oh," he states simply, looking much less anxious than a second ago.

My mom brushes past us to scold Remus. "Hijo, what have I told you about that outlet. That's it! You are hereby banned from the kitchen! Also, throw away the toaster in the outside dumpster before the whole house smells like burnt toast."

A/N: Hijo is son in Spanish, (according to Google translate)

"Yes, mom," Remus says. His boyfriend just snickers as he puts the toaster in a trash bag. "You gonna let me go all alone?" he says, offended.

"I want to, but I'm scared of what you might find and bring back from the dumpster." Janus says, getting off of the counter to follow Remus outside.

"Considering the last time he went out to the dumpster alone he came back with a pet skunk, I'd say that's a good idea." I laugh.

"Hey! Senior Grouch was like a brother to me and I'd choose him over you any day!" Remus screeches before bolting outside.

Virgil speaks up from beside me, earning a very manly reaction, because I did not jump away. (*Cough cough* yeah right)

"Your own twin would choose a skunk over you? I'm not the siblings expert, but that seems like a sign of some sort," he says innocently.

"If you're saying that I'm so unbearable that a skunk would make a better companion, then you're wrong, dear." I decided to add the pet name after remembering my mom is still in the room.

He shrugs, putting his hands up defensively, "You said it, not me."

Before I can defend my honor against this angsty assailant, my mom interrupts. "Well I'm sure you two would like some alone time after the long car ride, so feel free to retreat to your room. Dinner'll be at six, we're having spaghetti." No offense to the Italians, but I think the Spaniards outdid them in the pasta department.

"Alright, thanks Mrs. Prince." Virgil says, visibly blushing under his pale foundation. We head back out to the living room where Jamie, Michael, and Preston are heavily invested in the Paw Patrol episode playing on the flatscreen TV. Adam closes Virgil's sketchbook, I guess he couldn't see his art while everyone else had crowded around.

"Well, should we actually go upstairs, or do you wanna wait for Chase to save the day?" I ask. You never know who may or may not like children's TV.

"Nah, I've already seen this episode," he says sarcastically, and grabs his sketchbook, "But you can stay if you want, this one's a real rollercoaster."

I've gotta admit it, this is nice, not fighting with Virgil, that is. It's not like Virgil's nice to look- wait, mind, where are you going with this? Nope. N. O. P. E. Thankfully, my train of thought is cut off by Virgil waving a hand in front of my face. Wait, how long has been standing there?

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