VI. Painful Past

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Chapter Six

"Until this battle station is fully operational, we are vulnerable. The rebel alliance is too well equipped, they are growing more powerful by the day." General Willard argues.

General Dodonna scoffs. "Maybe vulnerable to your starfleet, General. But not this battle station."

"The longer we wait to take care of the rebels, the more favor they will gain in the Imperial senate—"

"The Imperial senate won't be a problem anymore," Tarkin interjects, looking rather bored and tired of this same argument each meeting we have. "The Emperor has informed me that he has dissolved the council permanently. Now each star system will be led by their governors. Fear of the Emperor and fear of this battle station will keep the galaxy in line."

"And what of the rebellion?" General Willard presses.

"Lord Vader is working on interrogating Leia Amidala, the daughter of the rebel alliance leaders. We believe she will lead us to the rebel base." Tarkin replies.

"You're wasting your time," General Oleek says. "If killing her friend in front of her didn't break her than what will?"

"We could test this battle station on her home planet of Naboo." General Dodanna suggests.

Tarkin shakes his head. "Naboo is too important of a planet to lose. Leia Amidala is proving herself to be a strong willed person, but everyone has a breaking point."

"Her father has been a rebel his whole life," General Willard points out. "I remember him leading the rebellion on his home planet Taris before the Clone Wars. And her mother is known for her resilience and strength. Breaking her will be more difficult than you realize."

"Don't be so sure," I finally say. "I know her mother and her father more than any of you do, and I assure you they can be broken, just as their daughter can. She is no match for the power of the force, this will be what leads us to the rebel alliance's location."

General Dodanna rolls his eyes. "Your devotion to that lost religion is futile. Your sorcerer ways aren't going to do anything of value—"

His annoying speech is cut off, his unwarranted pride fading as the air in his lungs is stopped in his throat, the force closing around his windpipe. I enjoy watching him struggle for air, clawing at his neck to unlock himself from the tether I have on him. The other Generals and Commanders sit silently as Dodanna gasps for air, not wanting to step out of line like he did.

"Vader that's enough, release him." Tarkin requests.

I let go of my home on Dodanna, smiling to myself as a fearful look floods into his eyes. "As you wish." I reply to Tarkin, the only person in this room I remotely respect.

"Lord Vader will provide us the location of the rebel base by the time this battle station is operational. The rebellion will be snuffed out once and for all, and there will be nothing to stop the Empire."

As I had said earlier, I know Aiden and Padmé all too well. I was not even a little bit surprised when I heard word that they had started a rebellion to fight against the Empire. Honestly I'm shocked they only formed one recently. I don't enjoy having to destroy them, I am genuinely saddened that we are on opposite sides. There was a time, a long long time ago, that we fought side by side, that I called them both my friends. But those times are gone, and their daughter is our ticket to exploiting them and their frivolous rebellion.

I hope that their deaths will be painless. I hope that their deaths will send a message to the rest of the galaxy that this is what happens when you fight the Empire. I know more than anyone what the Emperor is capable of, and the galaxy doesn't want to get a taste of his wrath.

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