XXVII. The Walkers

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"The primary target is going to be the power generators. Activate the shields." Mom orders as we stare at the radars.

"Fire the ion canon." Dad commands moments later, giving us nothing to do other than wait anxiously to hear whether the first transport got away safely or not.

I look through the radar screen to Jayce, who looks just as worried as I am. He catches my stare and makes me glance away, turning to my father.

"Have any ground troops landed yet?"

Dad nods, gesturing to the radar behind us. "Walkers are heading our way. The fighters are already in the air, hopefully they'll buy us some time."

"Do they need help?" Jayce asks as he approaches the two of us.

Dad grips his shoulder and gives him a firm shake of the head. "I know you want to help Luke, but we need you here. Why don't you and Leia both help with the remaining transports. I'll let you know if anything of interest happens."

The last thing I wanted was the be left alone with Jayce. After he told me about him, Luke, and now Holly are going to a distant planet to see a Jedi master, I haven't been too happy with him. Jayce has more than noticed, which is why I think he looks eager to be paired with me for a task.

I stalk out of the control center and start down the hall towards the hanger, hearing Jayce's footsteps as he tries to catch up with me.

"Leia, please try to understand—"

"I do understand, believe me, I do. I know that you and Luke being Jedi are important, but we need you here. If you have forgotten, we are fighting a war. We need the last two Jedi."

"We aren't the last two."

"If you mean this Master Yoda—"

"No, I mean you. You are just as powerful as Luke and I are, and you are practically leading this rebellion beside your parents. The galaxy will be fine without us for a little while, because you're going to be here."

I hate that my cheeks flush red, that my heart begins to flutter. I want to be mad at him for leaving, but it's nearly impossible. And If I'm being honest, I'm not mad he's leaving because of the rebel alliance needing him. I'm mad because I need him, much more than I care to admit.

"Just promise me you'll come back." I say to him lowly.

Jayce smiles shyly and leans forward, placing a soft kiss on my cheek, making my blush deepen.

"I promise."

The base around us suddenly shakes, making me stumble forward. Jayce catches onto me and helps me upright, snapping us both from our thoughts.

"That didn't feel like a normal explosion." I comment, watching debris from the ceiling crumble onto the floor around us.

Jayce nods, anger seeping into his features, like he knows something I don't.

"What is it?" I ask him, already dreading the answer.

"Those weren't just any explosions," Jayce tells me gravely. "Jax told me that the Empire keeps Irum close to the chest, they aren't distributed to every stormtrooper. I think we've pissed them off enough that now we're getting a taste of it."

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