v - extraction

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Her eyes grew wide, her face the picture of confusion. Although this soon morphed her features to fury and she thrashed against my grip I was determined that she would not disobey. Surely the hardships that training this girl would involve could not compare to the power she could bring the New Order?

I shook off my doubts and led her steadfastly to the ship.


nb - this chapter is in the perspective of alena.

What in Exegol is happening here? 

When I was woken this morning to the news that troops from the New Order were on their way, and that we, the royals, were expected to appear at a welcoming ceremony in their honour, I did not expect it to end like this. 

Once I had dressed in my azure ceremonial clothes, I was unnecessarily escorted by the guards down to the West landing ground. As we walked past the enormous glass windows overlooking the kingdom I could see the black ships of the Order landing one by one into the designated field.

A few minutes later we were in the field conducting the ceremony, when I locked eyes with a tall man dressed predominantly in black leather. He stood a pace ahead of the other soldiers so I assumed he was the important one. His silken, unkempt black hair fell beside his eyes, which were a piercing black colour which, when they fell upon me, made me feel hollow inside. He held a black mask with silver streaks against his hip, and there was a small dark column strapped to his waist. 

Welcome to Dathemia, your lordship, I thought to myself sarcastically.

But it wasn't the same as the dismissal I usually gave to visitors of Dathemia. I'm not sure that it was his appearance that drew me to him. There was something there - I could feel that abhorrent force inside me twisting, constructing some sort of connection between us. A bridge from my thoughts to his. I felt a pull to him even though I knew he was just as disgusting as I was.

I had a feeling that he could sense this connection too. He glanced at me condescendingly from across the field, prompting me to think that he was somehow able to hear my thoughts. My suspicions were confirmed when he sent back a reply, which I could hear as clearly in my head as if it was my own voice. I'd previously thought that was impossible, but then my own power had been surprising me a lot lately.

Meanwhile, my parents continued to conduct the welcoming rites. However, for whatever reason I could not relax - something suddenly felt deeply wrong about the whole situation. I began to prepare myself for danger, feeling the faint crackling, seething which was burning at my fingertips when he reached out to me again through the bond.


The same man in black was staring straight at me. I thought I saw a flash of panic cross his eyes, suspicion - a warning. He started moving towards me-

And then the explosion happened. Immediately followed by a bolt of energy from my own fingertips.

Everyone within a circumference of about a hundred metres was thrown backwards by the blast. Once the smoke subsided I doubled over, coughing it out of my lungs. How was I not dead? The blast came from right beside me. Unless... I'd used my powers to shield myself. Of course.

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