Chapter 1: The haunted Museum

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A/N: Hey everyone, Yes another story from me. My cousin actually wanted me to write a story about Ghost Adventures. He is ten years old and believe or not he is not scared of this show at all. Since I'm stuck home babysitting him during quarantine. We've been watching ghost adventures every Thursday. Like I said he came to me and asked if I could write a story about this amazing show for him.  Axel is based off of him he picked his age and name. I hope you all enjoy thank you. 

     I wake up to my alarm blaring at 7 in the morning so I could get ready for work also to get my brother up for school. I slowly crawled out of bed and walked across the hall to my brother's room knocking on the door. "Hey Axel, time to get up" I say banging on his door I hear him groan and I walked back to my room. I went into my bathroom and started the shower before I put on my music. After a few minutes I got out and brush my teeth then my hair and put on light make up. I go to my closet to pick out an outfit today for work when I hear a thud in the hall and slight ouch from Axel. I finally get dressed and walked out the room to meet Axel in the kitchen. 

       "Morning bud" I say and ruffled his hair up as he ate a bowl of cereal. "Morning" he said back to me as I poured coffee in my cup. I turned around and leaned against the counter. "So what does your Job have you doing today" he asked looking at me. "There a haunted museum opening up in town and my boss is interviewing the owner" I said sipping my coffee. "For real?" Axel said looking at me and I nodded "I think I'm going to leave soon and take some pictures before I have to meet him at the haunted Museum with his coffee." I said. "Why do you still work there, you went to college for photography, not to be an assistant to a guy, who constantly flirting or bossing you around" he told me getting up from his sit and taking his bowl to the sink. "Well, Axe there's not many jobs opening up for that right now, and we don't have enough money for me to be a full time free lance photographer, It pays the bills okay" I say softly. "You know I will help" he said standing beside me I looked up to him, "yeah I know but, you need to focus on school, okay" I say. "Whatever you say shorty" he told me before walking out the kitchen. My little brother is taller then me and he thinks it's funny to acknowledge it.

     I drive to The Haunted Museum only stopping to get my boss his coffee. I am a assistant for a guy who owns his own newspaper company. I did an internship for him when I was in college and he decided to take me on as his actual assistant. At the time I was excited for it because he told me I would be able to become a photographer for his newspaper company after 3 months of being an assistant for him. That was 7 months ago.  He treats me like dirt unless he flirting with me. It gets so annoying but if I ask him about it, he makes it my fault, which I don't understand that either. This job barley pays the bills and my brother being a senior in high school is going to start needing money for senior dues and all. Axel wasn't wrong I needed to start looking for a new job and fast.

         I get to the Haunted museum and their was only one car which I'm guessing is the owners. I get out of the car with my camera and start taking photos of the sun rising. I also took a photo of the sign as the sun began to hit until I noticed someone standing near the entrance of the museum. He was in all black with his arm folded staring at me so I put down my camera and waved. He waved back slowly, he was about to say something to me when my boss pulled in. I grabbed the coffee I got for my boss out of my car and walked over to him as he got out of the car. "Good morning sir" I say to him softly as he checks him self out in his review mirror. "Morning" he mumbled "Is that my coffee" he said taking it from me "yes sir" I responded. He handed me his bag while he took a sip of coffee and headed towards the man in the door way. 

         "Mr. Bagans?" my boss asked him "Please call me Zak, Daniel is it?" he asked him as he held out his hand. My boss took his hand "That's me" he said shaking his hand. Zak turned to me and smiled "And you are?" he asked and right before I could answer my boss asked "Are you ready for the interview?". Zak looked back to him "Yes," he said as he turned around and opened the door. He let my boss in first and then I followed "Is he always like this" he whispered in my ear and I jumped. "Oh I'm sorry" I say softly looking at him "Your apologizing to me? I'm the one who scared you" he said looking at me. "It's fine" I say softly with a smile as my boss turns around and looked at us. "Isn't she beautiful Zak, one of the reason why I like to keep her around." he stated. I seen the look Zak gave me before I looked down "Braelynn get out my recorder" Daniel asked me. 

      We had just finished the tour and was getting ready to end the interview when I hear something fall over. I looked at Zak and Mr. Daniel as they stopped talking "what was that?" my boss asked Zak. "Sounds like something fell down" I said getting a look from my boss, he hated it when I spoke during interviews. Zak steps out for a moment to see what it was and my boss looks at me "Don't speak out again" he said sternly. I nodded as Zak came back into the room "Nothing really to worry about, it happens all the time." he said with a smile. "Well Zak thank you for having me and Braelynn come and interview you today" he said holding out his hand for Zak. "Thank you for you coming" he said softly to us. We walked out of the building and I accidently dropped my bosses bag. "Braelynn stop, your always dropping my stuff" Daniel told me "For a beautiful girl you sure are stupid" he told me as I picked up his papers and the recorder. 

     The next week I was siting in the Living room with Axel talking to him about the haunted museum as I edited some photos. "Well damn, get a job their I would prefer you bring home a ghost then having you have a boss that treats you the way you get treated." Axel told me as he did his homework. "Come on Axel, I wouldn't even know how to get a job there" I said looking at him. "You know where it is right?" he asked me "Well yeah" I answered. "I would start there" he said to me as he turned a page. I laughed at him when  my phone lit up with a text message 

Text begins

Unknown number: Hey, Braelynn it's me Zak Bagans, you and your boss interviewed me about my haunted museum, I was wondering if we could meet and show me those pictures you took of my sign.

Me: How do I know it's really you?

Unknown number: Something knocked over during are interview, meet me here in an hour?

Unknown number: sent location.

Text ends

        I looked at Axel confused as he looked up from his books "what's that look for?" he asked. "The guy from the haunted Museum just texted me" I said. "Well dang sis I didn't know you gave out your number during interviews" he said jokingly. "What no!" I said throwing a small pillow at him. "Then how else did he get your number" he asked me and I shrugged "What did he want?" he then asked. "He wanted to meet up and see the pictures I took" I answered "when?" Axel said looking at me. "In an hour at a park" I say "Don't do that" he said "what, why" I said looking confused. "You don't now know if it's really him" my little brother said "He told me something that only me him and Daniel would now because the article wasn't released yet" I said to him. "So" axel said throwing his hands up "I'm going Axel" I say "Of course you are" he replied shaking his head as he got back to his work. 

The end

I hope you enjoyed!

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