Chapter 3: New Beginnings

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    "AXEL! I said no!" I screamed as I was leaving my room "WHY NOT!" Axel screamed back. "I don't need you coming along!" I yelled back. "We don't know them Brae, I should come to" he said back in the hall. "What does that have to do with it?" I asked, "They can be fake and try to kidnap you!" he said back. "Axe, that's so crazy, I've already meet one, I don't think he would let anyone hurt anyone" I say putting on my jacket. "Look, if you're going I'm going, I should meet them, you get this job you will be traveling all over with them, you're the only family I got left, so I'm going to make sure you will be safe." Axel said putting on his shoes. I just looked at him before giving in and saying "Fine". "Just don't ruin this for me" I said to him "I won't" he answered as he stood up.

     We pulled into the haunted museum parking lot and I parked close to the building. As we get out the car I hear Axel say "This is neat looking". I looked at him as we begin to walk to the front door. I knocked before walking in to the lobby to see a couple of guys standing around. Axel stands closer to me being over protective. "Hey Braelynn" Zak said looking at me then at my brother. "Hi Zak, this is my little brother Axel he wouldn't let me come alone" I say to him. "Nice to meet you Axel" he said to him and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you to" axel responded shaking his hand. "Everyone meet Braelynn and her little brother Axel" Zak said to his group as we walked over to them. "Hey I'm Aaron" a guy who didn't have any hair on his head said, "Hey" I say back as Axel nodded. "I'm Billy" one guy with a beard said "And I'm Jay" the last one said as me and Axel shook their hands.

    "It's nice to meet you all" I said with a smile and Axel said nothing. "Braelynn Zak showed us the pictures you took they were really good" Jay said. "Thank you," I said with a smile "Yeah Braelynn a really good photographer" Axel said. "Zak also mentioned you went to college for camera history." Billy said. "Yes, that's right I did photography and camera history" I replied. "That's really interesting, Can you work a Polaroid camera?" Billy then asked. "Yes, I can work any camera and even tell you how they were built" I said with a smile. My little brother looked down at me and then back at them "She takes photography very seriously" he said. "We take ghost hunting very serious" Zak said as he looked at me. 

     We sat there for an hour just talking they were telling me some things that have happened on some of their investigations. They all seemed to be very funny and nice people and Axel seemed to get a long with them. Aaron was the funniest to me, they even told me how they always put him in areas by himself. "So Braelynn we really need someone taking photos of us during interviews and sometimes we would have you come in during investigations to take photos of certain areas.  How does that sound?" Zak asked. "It sounds perfect to me" Axel shot out before I could answer. I looked up to my little brother before saying "It really does, I love taking photos, you will probably get more then you ask for." I laughed. "That's perfect" Zak said looking at me with a smile and I smiled back. 

      It's been a couple of days and I have finally gotten everything signed for the new job. Me and Axel decided to do a little cookout to celebrate. Axel invited his girlfriend Lizzie over and I invited Zak, Aaron, Jay, and Billy. Lizzie and me were inside while Axel was in the back yard getting the grill ready. I hear a knock come to the door so I hand some plates to Lizzie to take before I go to open the door. I opened the door to reveal the boys "Hey, everyone thanks for coming, please come in" I say happily as I stepped aside. "Hey Braelynn" they all said "Follow me, to the back yard" I say before leading them back their. "Hey guys look who made it" I said stepping into the back yard. "Hey" Axel said as he closed the grill "Sis I need the burgers" he said I nodded before walking back inside. 

       I bring out the food with Lizzie's help and set them out on the table. "Do you need any help?" Zak asked "No, we got everything but thank you" I answered before going back in a grabbing some more stuff. I finally sat down beside Zak as Axel was still cooking I decided to introduce Lizzie to them. "Lizzie this is Zak, Billy, Aaron, and Jay" I say as I point to everyone and they reached over and shook her hand. "Lizzie is Axel girlfriend" I say and she smiled "Yep since freshmen year" she smiled at Axel who was still cooking. "That's a long time," Billy said "Yes it is" she said and Axel laughed. "Surprise she still puts up with me, I'm hard headed" he said placing the hamburgers down in the middle of the table. "Ain't that the truth" I giggled at him as he sat down "You love me" he said to me. 

            We all fixed our plates as Lizzie asked "So do you guys really catch evidence of ghost?". "Yeah, we've caught some pretty good evidence" Zak said "Yeah sometimes we get voices through the spirit box" Aaron added. "That's cool" she said softly as she put ketchup on her hamburger. "And you will be taking their pictures?" she asked looking at me. "Yep, it's pretty exciting" I said softly as I pour me something to drink. "I would like to thank Zak for taking a notice in me when I was at the interview and giving me a job that allows me to do something I love, also want to thank you boys also for being so welcoming." I said with a smile. "Your very welcome, thank you for taking those photos" Zak said with a smile "Thank you for also being willing to take on this job" he added as we all made a toast. 

The end

I hope you all enjoyed

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