Chapter 2: A Job offer

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      I walked to the picnic table where I seen Zak standing with his dog "Hey" I say. "Hello, Braelynn" he responded holding out his hand. I shake his hand and look at the beautiful black and white dog by his feet. "This is my dog Gracie, Gracie this is Braelynn" he said and I offered my hand for Gracie to sniff. "Do you have any animals?" he asked me "Well, yeah I got two" I told him "I have a black cat and my brother has a German Shepard." I added. "Really what are their names?" he asked "My cats name is Salem, I got her October 27th, I have always been interested in the Salem witch trails so her name just fit for me, My brothers dogs name is Bacon, I honestly don't know why, we've had him since he was a kid" I said. He chuckled "Interesting names" he replied and I nodded. 

"So I've actually edited some photos but I prefer to leave them unedited." I say as I got my iPad out of my bag. He nodded as I sat down he did the same and I begun to pull up the pictures. I let him look at them himself, occasionally he would look up to me. "Did you really take these?" he said as he handed me back my tablet. "Yeah" I say with a smile "Which ones did you edit?" he asked. I slide to the one I edited "Only this one and basically all I did was change the lighting just a bit" I said softly. "Can I see what it would look like in black and white?" he asked me. "Of course" I smiled at him as I went back and changed it to black and white. "That looks amazing" he said to me "How much for all the photos you took?" he then added. I looked at him "What?" I asked surprised "I want to buy them off of you, If that's okay" he said. "You don't have to pay me I can just send them to you" I say. "Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded "Yes, it's fine" I say. 

       "So do you take photos for fun?" he asked as I get ready to send him the photos. "Well, Funny story I actually went to college and Majored in photography and camera history" I said. "Really?" he asked me and I bite my lip nodding. "But that's not what your doing, your holding recorders" he said looking at me. "Yeah, I was interning their in college, and he decided he wanted to take me on as an actual assistant said I could become an actual photographer in 3 months of working with him" I said. "How long have you been working for him?" he then asked me "7 months," I answered and looked at him. "And your still the recorder holder" he said and I nodded "How does he treat you?" he then asked. "Not good but I'm strong, I can handle it" I say "If your not getting respected then why work their" he said. "It pays the bills" I chuckled slightly.

     "Why are you laughing?" he then asked me "Because Zak, I've been having the same conversation with my brother Axel." I say as I type in his email. "Seems like your brothers a smart man" Zak said. "Yeah he is, but right now I don't get to do what I love, Hopefully one day I can" I say adding the photo's. "I seen how he treated you during the interview, I seen how he looked at you like he owned you, I even heard what he said to you when you fell" he said and looked at me. I didn't respond just sent the pictures "Braelynn your a smart girl, you know you don't have to work their to live your dream job," he said. I stood up putting my iPad away "Zak I appreciate you worrying about me, but you don't know me, okay, I'm strong I can handle working for him." I say and began to walk away. I stopped and turned to look back at Zak "I'm sorry I didn't mean to blow up, I'm just doing what I have to do" I say. 

      He smiled softly "no reason to apologize" he said getting up and walking over to me. "I don't have any other options right now," I shrugged "I have to provide for my brother" I added. "Do you believe in ghost, demons, anything out of this world?" he suddenly asked me. "I believe we aren't alone in this world?" I answered confused on why he wanted to know. "I see the confused look on your face and well I asked this because, I have an opening" he said to me. "At the haunted Museum, that doesn't really involve my line of work" I say to him. "No" he laughed "For my TV show, Me and a couple of buddies of mine travel the world to some of the most haunted places and see if we can communicate with them" he said to me. 

      "That's really cool, I just don't see where I come in" I laughed a little. "Our photographer that we have to take pictures during the investigation to see if they can get a picture of apparitions, she left after a bad experience, we need another one, from what I can see your really good, I think you will be really good at it, plus it pays the bills" he told me. I laughed "You barley know me" I said "You barely know me, and I need a photographer, you need a better job" he said. "Can I think about it?" I asked and he nodded "Well thanks, but I should be getting back to my brother" I said and started to walk away. As I walked away I heard him call for his dog Gracie I turned back to look at him just for a moment.

       I arrived home to see Axel pacing the floor with Bacon and Salem watching him. "Bud?" I asked looking at him he seen me and let out a sigh of relief. "Good! your not dead" he said to me coming up to hug me. "No," I chuckled "Why would I be?" I then asked him confused. "You went out to meet a guy, in a park, that you didn't even know if it was the real guy" he said to me. "Well I see your point, but it was him." I say as I walk to my room to put my bag down. "Okay and what did he say? what happened" he said following before stopping in my door way leaning against it. "I showed him the pictures he wanted to see, he offered to pay me for them" I said but before I could finish he asked. "How much did he pay?" he said and I looked at him.

        "Nothing" I answered "What! are you crazy! we could have used the money" Axel said. "Axel!" I say and place my hands on my hips. "Don't axel me, you know its true" he said to me "If you would have let me finished earlier, he offered me a job, to take pictures for him" I say. "Did you take it?" he asked me "Not yet" I answered. "What! why not" he said looking at me like a made a dumb mistake "He works with ghost I just don't know if I want to mess with that" I answered. "Didn't mom say you use to talk to things people couldn't see, what's the difference to now" he said shrugging his shoulders. "Well yeah but I haven't done any of that stuff since I tried when our parents died" I said walking out of the room and past him. 

        It's been a couple of days since Zak asked me if I was interested in the job. I've been texting him questions about the job, it sounds fun and the people he work with don't sound like bad people. I'm just worried what if it doesn't work out for me or what if I'm not what they need then what do I do. These thoughts have been going through my brain since I woke up and got dressed. Right now I was currently walking into my boss's building holding his breakfast and coffee. I walked in the elevator and picked the top floor going straight to his office. I walked out of the elevator and walk towards his office doors. I opened them and walked in he was on the phone with someone most likely a girl. I moved some trash off his desk then straightened up his pencils and papers on his desk. 

      I seen an empty bottle of vodka in the trash when I was cleaning up. I then looked back at my boss Mr. Daniel and saw a mess his shirt wasn't tucked, and so was his tie. His hair looked like it needed to be combed and his shoes were untied. I looked back at the table before he turned around. I felt him come up behind me as he pulled me into him I jumped before he turned me around to face him. His hands around my arms holding me as he goes to kiss on my neck. I pushed him away but with him still having a hold of me he snatched me back "Stop!" I yelled and started hitting. "Let go of me!" I yelled again and he pushed me back into his desk that's when I took a break for it.  I ran until I got to my car, I found myself siting in the car not knowing what my next move was.

Text messages 

Me: Is the job offer still on the table, if it is I want it. 

Zak: Of course it's still on the table, what persuaded you?

Me: I needed to try something new. This job is new.

Zak: When can you meet at the Haunted Museum to sign some papers.

Me: When ever , I suddenly have a lot more time on my hands.

Zak: If tomorrow okay with you, I can ask the team to come together so you can meet them.

Me: Sounds like a plan.

Zak: Great see you tomorrow

Text Message ends

The end

I hope you guys

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