About You.

6.6K 147 16

Name: M/N

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Grade: Juniors


Due to M/N being the runt of the bunch he size is a lot smaller and skinner. His fur is thinner with a couple of bold patches around his body and paler due to the lack of sunlight leaving it at a grayish tint. He stands to about 4'11".

Species: Carnivore
M/N is a dog mix breed of a Shepherd dog and a Labrador.

M/N lives in a house with 2 groups of litters, M/N being in that second bunch. Because of his lack of nutrition as a pup, he was at risk of dying sooner than the rest and was diagnosed with Osteogenesis imperfecta (Also known as brittle bones disease). His mother who is a Labrador made it her mission to keep M/N alive and well. By making M/N stay inside for the majority of his life, due to the recklessness of his family. However, M/N didn't exactly enjoy this type of lifestyle, so he made it his mission to become strong enough, to be able to leave his home, or at least play with his siblings in the backyard.

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