{ stay focussed during study }

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this chapter is pretty hypocritical considering I have the attention span of a goldfish but I thought I could put together a list of ways that tend to work and help me stay more focussed.


1. pick your surrounding noise to suit you. - i was going to say, 'have a quiet work space' but sometimes having background noise actually helps people study. but i personally like having a quiet room. 

2. natural light- study actually shows that natural light improves student academic levels rather than artificial lighting, and it just makes me feel more awake and productive, idk bout you.

3. have water nearby- its super important to keep hydrated to prevent headaches and just poorer health in general.

4. take regular breaks- its so important to give your eyes and mind a break and refresh, to kinda re-charge and then study better. make sure you're eating during the day, have some outside time etc.

5. eliminate distractions- if you're tv is on, turn it off, if your family is loud, move places etc.

6. phone away- use your phone as a reward during break times or after a study sesh

7. try create a routine- once your body and mind get used to a certain ritual, it'll be easier to focus during work times and relax during breaks

8. apparently chewing gum improves memory :)

9. music- i like to listen to music but again, its down to preference. i usually put on a chill playlist or slowed + reverbed songs because they don't distract me. 

10. seperate your home life from school life- this'll be annoying at first but especially because we're doing online school right now, it works so much better to work away from your bedroom and have a designated work space. this way, your home and school life will have a barrier between and down-time won't feel like work and vice versa. 

11. don't neglect your sleep- if you don't get enough sleep, your school performance won't be as good, so make sure to get 8+ hours, especially because in your teen years you're growing loads. 

12. reward yourself- make sure to have a snack or some kind of reward when you studied well so your mind will associate rewards with good work. 


any chapter requests? xx



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