My Sister's Friend

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Johnny and I live together in a small apartment near my working area. That specific day in August was my cousin's birthday and they told me to return to my home because they planned to celebrate it there. It was a four hour trip for me. I agreed and packed my suitcase good for four days. Johnny told me he couldn't come because he has other plans to take care of. I said farewell and got on a train to  our hometown.

As I walked in our house, the vibrations from the music can be felt on the wooden floor. My mother and sister greeted me with a hug.

"Come this way, dear." My mom guided me to the kitchen where my cousin was.

"Happy 13th Birthday Cheska!" I shouted and squeezed her soft pink cheeks. The house wasn't packed with people yet but when the sun goes down I'm sure all of our relatives would be here.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with cola. I stood in front of the countertop staring at the front door. All of a sudden my sister comes out behind my back together with a stranger.

"Hey, June! This my best friend John. John, she's my sister June." My sister, Decie, introduced us quite fast to one another.

"Okay I'm on it!" Decie shouted at someone from the other side of the room and quickly left me alone with John.

I smiled at him because of two reasons. First, it would be rude to have a plain face to someone you just met; that would be rude. Second, his name reminds me of my boyfriend.

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