The Call

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One week passed and he did call me every night before going to bed. He sounds okay but I know he was brutally trained in that place, he just doesn't want me to worry. Little does he know I am worried every single day. 

One day I received a phone call in the morning. The caller ID was him, Johnny. That was a bit odd. Why did he call at 7 in the morning. I picked up the phone and pressed the green symbol.

Me: "Hello, Love"

Officer: "Good morning Miss Jane. You were on Mr. Johnny's call list. You were the last one he called. What is your relationship to him, Miss?"

Me: "I-I'm his girlfriend. Is everything alright, sir?"

Officer: "I'm afraid not, Miss. We have told his parent and we would like for you to come here in the academy--"

Me: "Why--"

Officer: "--Mr. Johnny became unconscious while training at 6 am. Please report to the academy ASAP."

I hung up the call and immediately rushed to the academy without even taking a bath.

As I got there, I heard the loud sound of the ambulance. That ambulance passed by me as I got to the gate. I looked at the passing car and felt a sting in my heart. I ignored that sting and went to the lobby. I saw his parents. Him mother was weeping, but his father remained calm and emotionless. I cant help but burst my tears out. 

After anxiously waiting for ten minutes, an officer to us with a dead look.

"The rescuers reported Johnny dead on arrival."

That sentence turned my whole world upside down. It felt like I became deaf the world jut kind of shut off before my eyes. The officer tried to get me back up but my knees just keep failing to be stable.

He's now gone. My man.  

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