John's Prophecy

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I can't wait to get back to the apartment. Johnny's waiting for me there. I got down the bus in a familiar street and stood in front of our apartment. I ran inside, overexcited to see him. There was still a slight worry in my heart.

"Love??" I said, as I barged in our apartment. No response.

"Love?" I said again.

"Welcome back, love!!" I heard him from the bedroom. I rushed towards there and saw him lying in bed with a nintendo game on his hand. I jumped on the bed and landed right on top of him. We laughed and gave each other kisses.

He said he was feeling a bit sick that's why he never left his bed. He had a fever just last month, how come he has one again.

"You're having fevers more often. What's happening?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and continued playing his nintendo.

"When are you going to Dr. Miles? You haven't been to your monthly check ups for three months now."

"He said I was fine. No need to go back again."

The thought of his weak state keeps on giving me anxiety, so I decided to go to Dr. Miles myself.

As I got to his office, he told me to sit down and talk. I told about Johnny's state and illness. Dr. Miles told me that it is just normal for Johnny since he just had his liver transplant a couple of months ago. I knew about this and I was actually relieved they found a healthy donor.

Dr. Miles said he was okay, so I calmed down a little. Now I know that his liver was his weakness.

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