Part 2 ~ The Sauna Meeting (Final Part)

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~ Minecraft
          Polygamy ~


            We walked to the sauna in complete silence. Our footsteps couldn't even be heard. It was risky to go both of us at once, but at this point I knew we just wanted to get there so we could discuss what Kyouko had said. Sadly, our worries came true. Monokuma popped up in front of us, asking what we were doing. We just stood in silence for a while.
            "Well? What are you two doing this late at night? Are you plotting to kill someone, or is one of you planning to kill the other?" He asked this with a sly smile on his face. He irked me sometimes. Before Kyouko could reply, I did. "We.. were just going to the sauna. Why do you even care about what we're doing?"
            "I don't, I just want one of you to kill  someone soon. It's been a while..." His words began to fade out. "Anyway, I bet you're doing something naughty if it isn't killing. Especially in the place with no cameras, huhu!" Our faces both turned red. Discussing Kyouko's feelings wasn't exactly naughty, but it was romance-related.
            "T-that's not it!" Kyouko cried. "We.. were just going to discuss with each other. I already can assume you've seen us going into the sauna one after the other, and we are doing the same thing we were doing then. We just want to get to know eachother better so we can have at least one person to rely on." As she said this, I nodded in agreement. Monokuma sighed and left.

After that we just walked even faster.

            I let Kyouko change first like usual, and after it had been a few minutes I went and changed. I stepped inside the sauna and sat next to her. All I could do, it seemed, was to hug her. She seemed devastated, and it was obvious why. I sighed and combed my hair back with my hand. My hand was still there when I realized it.

I wanted to kiss her.

            I looked over at her, tears streaming down her face. I couldn't leave the thought alone. "Hey... Kyouko?" I nervously said it while I situated my head in my palms, elbows on my knees. She sniffled and replied, "Yeah?" I didn't think I would regret this at first, but I was too deep to not do anything. "I... think I feel the same way. God, this is so cheesy, but I can't just not say it." She looked over at me while I just stared at the other side of the sauna, and sniffled again.
             She wasn't crying any more, and that was the first thing I noticed. The next thing I noticed was that she had pinned me to the wall. The last thing I noticed before forgetting most of the night was that I was kissing her.

             Waking up the next morning was a treat. I had only gotten two hours of sleep, and had even carried Kyouko to bed. I didn't know if her falling asleep was breaking a rule, but I hoped it didn't as I had carried her to bed. When I finally got back to my room it was around 3AM. I spent two hours awake, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, kicking away and covering myself with the blanket. It wasn't fun.
            All I could do was think about what I could remember about that night. Most was a foggy blur, but I could remember the first time we had kissed at least, and that's the one thing I never hope to forget. I would have preferred to sleep longer, but quite a while after everyone was awake I was still asleep. Kyouko came and got me to bring me to breakfast. Somehow she had gotten the key to my room.
            "Hey, wake up sleepyhead. I know I went to sleep before you, but I'm still tired and I at least made it to breakfast." She shook me not violently, but it woke me up. "K-Kyouko? Oh no, it isn't like me to be late at all! Shit! Okay, uh, I need to get dressed, so you can go ahead and tell them I'll be there in a second."
             She nodded and exited, closing the door behind her. I quickly got dressed, but left my hair a mess, which turned out to be a mistake. I left my room and went straight to the dining hall, where everyone else was. Everyone was silent, when I came in, but eventually resumed their discussions. I sat next to Kyouko and got ready to ask if she remembered anything from last night, because I for sure don't remember much.
             "Before you say anything, I don't know. I figured you probably wouldn't either, so I'm stopping you there. I will say that I have a VERY obvious hickey on my collarbone, thanks to y-" She cut off her sentence when Makoto sat down in front of us. We were at a table by ourselves before. "Hey.. Makoto. Why aren't you sitting with the others?" Kyouko asked.
            He still had a mouthful of food when he replied. "Mmgph, I jusg thoguh you pmhoo phooked mhonemy." I could just barely make out what he had said. "Could you.. try saying that again? I asked. He swallowed his food. "Sorry, I just thought you two looked lonely. Why are you over here by yourselves? Oh, is it...? Yeah maybe I should go... bye...!" He said this and began to get up from his seat. "Wait! No," Kyouko said. "That isn't it. Damn it, why does everyone always think something naughty happened?!" I grabbed her arm. "Kyouko, you don't know that. You remember as much as I do." I let go. "You.. should also calm down a little. People besides us might hear, and I know both of us don't want that.
            She sighed and nodded. I remembered Makoto was still sitting at the table, and all he was doing was looking back and forth at me and Kyoko. "Is.. there something going on between both of you or..? Oh, you did do something naughty didn't you! I knew it. You see you really shouldn't becau-" Kyoko cut him off before he could say anything else. "We don't know what happened exactly but we uhm.. we m.."
             Her words kept trailing off, so I helped her. I felt for her hand under the table to hold it just for the sake of it. She squeezed it tightly. "Makoto, we made out in the sauna. I swear, if you tell anyone, I'll bribe someone to kill you in return for my place as the heir." He quickly shut his mouth and nodded enthusiastically. Wow, he really didn't want to die, even though that would never get anyone to do anything.

              During our meeting that night, we did kiss, again, but we discussed as usual as well. "Do you think now that Makoto knows, we should just tell everyone?" Kyoko asked. "No, that might make us a target for murder. It just feels like the people who stand out more would be more of a target. Especially Toko. If she knew about this, she'd literally combust." She giggled, and I asked her a question. "Does this mean we're dating now..?" She nodded before I realized how cheesy that sounded, again. This relationship has been the only thing bringing us joy, and I'm glad I didn't get her to give up on it.

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