Chapter 1: Hawkins Pool

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I wake up to the irritating sound of knocking on my door. It was the first day of summer and I was taking the kids to the pool for swimming lessons. It seemed harmless going to the pool, until Max told me her brother worked there which changed my willingness to go but the kids eventually still dragged me into it. I hadn't even spoke a word to Hargrove, let alone seen him since the events at the Byers. I hate Billy Hargrove and could easily go my whole life without seeing him again and be fine but of course life doesn't work that way. I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes as they adjust to the little light illuminating my room. I then head down stairs in only my sweatpants but who cares at this point. I opened my door and was greeted by 8 angsty teenagers.
"Did you really just wake up?" Adrain asked, looking me up and down.
"Yes I did,"
"Well get ready then! We can't be late," Dustin adds on, shoving his way into the house, to which the rest of them followed.
"Fine fine. Just give me like 5 minutes," I say, as they already go rustling around in my kitchen for food. I walk upstairs and put on a white shirt with blue and yellow strips on the short sleeves and then some jeans. I quickly do my hair and then head back downstairs.
"Alright, are you dickheads ready?" I asked, grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter.
"As ready as l'll ever be sailor boy,"
"I'm not even in the outfit Erica," I say, with a very much needed eye roll.
"Doesn't mean your not the sailor boy," Erica replies back, popping a piece of candy in her mouth.
"Let's just go before I change my mind. Again," I say and for once they all obey, heading to my car. They all piled in, as I started up the car and pulled out of my driveway. The car ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. It was weird, it made it worse that I was literally driving to were I knew Hargrove was. Today was gonna be a long day and I'm not having it. We unfortunately arrived within 5 minutes. I just sat there for a moment.. thinking.. trying to process everything.. What am I doing here? Do they really need someone to watch them? I just can't believe I'm doing this. Walking right in Billy's territory but it's to late now.
"Steve, are you alright?" Adrain asked, snapping me back to reality. I gave her a weak smile before replying.
"Yes... I'm fine,"
"I won't let him doing anything," Max chimes in, to which I nod and step out of the car, the kids copying my action. We started walking to the entrance and were greeted by a brunette. She was sitting at the front desk, smacking her lips as she chewed her bubble gum.
"The pool isn't open for another hour," She says, annoyance filling her voice. She was reading some magazine and wouldn't even look at us as she spoke.
"We are here for swimming lessons," Mike sassed back, the girl finally brought her gaze from her magazine to us.
"Full names?"
"Adrain Keery,Max Mayfeild,Jane Hopper,Lucas Sinclair,Dustin Henderson,Erica Sinclair,Will Byers, Mike Wheeler," I reply, the girl looks through some papers and then pulls out a clip board.
"Sign," She says simply. They all do as asked. "Hargrove!" She yelled, her voice rang through the building but within seconds, Billy freakin Hargrove appeared next to her.
"Didn't know I was teaching Harrington," Billy says, with his stupid damn smile.
"You wish," I scoff, crossing my arms
"Leave him alone Billy," Adrain says, his eyes leaving me and now looking at her.
"I'm just trying to have fun Adrain,"
"Your being annoying," Max says, once again backing up Adrain's statement. I had no clue why Adrain and Billy were friends. The thought honestly baffled me but the relationship did come in handy, with situations.. like this one. Billy just rolled his eyes at Max, before giving directions.
"Girls locker room is that way and boys is that way. Get changed and we'll meet in the pool," Billy says, before walking back into the employees only area, not giving us another second of his attention. Max, Adrain,El and Erica went into the girls locker room and Lucas,Dustin,Will and Mike went into the boys locker room, while I made my way to one of the beachside lounging chairs. The first person out was Billy Hargrove.. of course. His eyes immediately lock with mine as he makes his way over to me, not breaking eye contact.
"Not even gonna get into the water pretty boy?" Billy snickers, as he made his way over to me in his lifeguard shorts. I mean not being gay or anything but he was extremely attractive. Like everything about him was, from his beautiful blue eyes to his blonde locks and don't even get me started on his perfectly tanned chest... I'm not implying that I stare at it but honestly it's hard not to notice it when he is without a shirt, which is 99.99% of the time.
"Nope," I replied, popping the p sound in Nope.
"So what? Your just gonna sit over here, lookin all pretty? Is that all your good for?" Billy asked, slightly chuckling at his own comment, I didn't find anything amusing about this situation at all though but, who can blame me? Billy Hargroves stupid laugh... Gosh why am I even here.
"Billy, leave him alone," Adrain intervenes, gosh am I thankful for her.
"Fine," He says, raising his hand up as if to say he wasn't doing anything "You and your idiot friends get into the water, won't cha?" He adds, she rolls her eyes, setting down her stuff and making her way into the pool. She was soon followed by Max,El and Erica and then the boys came out and into the pool, signaling it was Billy's turn to get in a teach the little rats.
"l'll talk to you later princess,"
"Whatever B," I reply, giving him a nickname to go along with all his.
"B? Awww we have nicknames for each other," Billy says, with a huge chuckle.
"Just go and teach the kid's how to swim, before one of them drowns," My statement caused him to glance over to the pool and then back at me.
"Yeah whatever," and with that he's gets in the pool, immediately picking on Lucas but Adrain was there once again. I honestly don't know what we would do without her. Billy seemed to listen to her, even though she was like a year and a half younger than him. The swimming lessons went as planned and they mainly just did there thing getting use to certain kinds of swimming methods. Billy then blew his whistle telling them to get out of the pool, which wasn't necessary because he was in the pool with them... but that's Billy for ya. They all climbed out and headed to the locker rooms to get changed, that left me and Billy outside. I started gathering all are things, as Billy made his way out of the pool. I was about ready to leave not wanting any more conversation between me and Billy but again life doesn't work that way, as Billy appears right beside me.
"Do you know how to swim?" He asks bluntly.
"Yes," I answer back confused.
"Well managing 8 teenagers is annoyingly hard, you should teach them with me,"
"Isn't that something the other lifeguards can do,"
"Sure but why get another lifeguard when we have King Steve right here," Billy replies, with a taunting grin.
"And why would I wanna work with you?" I asked, finally amused with something Billy is saying. This has to be some kind of joke.
"They pay good, half of the money I make off of these kids I will give to you,"
"I already have a job,"
"So you couldn't use to extra money?" Billy replies, glancing around and then back at me.
"I could... you know what fine, but I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for the kids and the money," I say, not wanting to give him any satisfaction.
"That's fine by me but it's opening time now so you and your children have to leave unless your gonna pay more money,"
"Fine we're going" I say, grabbing the rest of our stuff, making my way to my car, were the kids are already in and ready to leave. That was interesting... definitely not completely what I expected but it was for sure better then getting my face beaten in. I then hop in my car, pulling out of the parking lot where now many cars were flooding in. The drive back to my house wasn't silence this time, the kids kept going on and on about there D&D game. The chatter soon turned into action as we arrived at my house. They played for most of the night and ended up crashing out downstairs. I could have predicted that, I then changed into some more comfortable clothes, crawling into my bed, with the faint thought of Billy freakin Hargrove

Author~ I'm just gonna say this for those of you that are new to my stories. Adrain is my main OC and she is in all my Harringrove books. She is like Eleven but her number is Seven and she has every ability. She is best friends with Steve and Billy. She has brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair, she obviously is a part of the party and best friends with them as well. Anyways I think this is all you need to know. I hope you enjoy!

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