Part Five You're In the Band

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{One more chapter after this. Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes. WARNING: there is excessive swearing.}

We're all standing backstage listening to someone call out names...our names. Dammit, we're going home. He wanted this so badly.

They want to get our feelings now. Now, of all times. We're obviously going to be upset, arseholes. When they put the camera on Harry he's close to tears. I wish I could take away his pain. He doesn't deserve to be devastated like this.

We're called up on stage where Cheryl drones on and on about how good we are and this, that, and the other thing. Jesus, just rip the band aid off already, would you?

"We're putting you into two bands," I finally hear Simon say. Holy fuck, he's made it. Thank god, he's made it. I think to myself as I jump up and down. The sudden burst of energy dies down and I cover my face with my hands. They had me there. They really had me there. I take my hands away from my face and squat, while shouting. I'm so fucking excited. I'm in a band with my Harry. It's a pretty damn good day.

Harry runs over to me, and I jump into his arms. This is not my most masculine moment, but I couldn't care less. Simon tells us to calm down and starts taking about how this is a life line or something. I don't know.

When we are dismissed we sprint to the lobby. Jesus, Harry runs like a fucking rocket.

He runs into the crowd of contestants while screaming. Some guy hugs him, and jealousy courses through me. It doesn't matter he's not Harry's soul mate. He should get the fuck off of Harry before I whip his arse.

After a while, I find the beautiful green eyed lad somewhere in the sea of people and pull him into my arms.

"We did it, Haz. We did it," I say into his ear.

He pulls away slightly to look at my face. "We're in a band!" he yells. He looks perfect. He has those curls that I could run my hands through all day long, those amazing dimples that are enchanting, those stunning eyes that I could get lost in forever and not give a shit, and those rosy, plump lips that anyone would be lucky to kiss.

I push my average lips into his captivating ones. It feels breathtaking to say the least, but he doesn't kiss back. I pull away and look anywhere but at him. He doesn't want me even though I'm his soul mate. I'm pathetic. He's flawless, and I just embarrassed myself by kissing him. "I-I'm sorry...I don't... I don't know what that was..." I mutter while trying pulling away from his body.

Before I know what's happening, my lips are against his again and he's hands are on my cheek. I melt into his embrace, snaking my arms around his waist and pulling him closer. Does anyone else hear fireworks, or is that just me?

"We're in a band, Lou!" he repeats with a dimply grin spread across his face.

{Thanks so much for reading this! If you liked it, please vote, so I know that it was decent.}

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