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dear diary,

jeonghan here again. i apologise for that extremely short entry yesterday. i think it was obvious how i felt.

i just barely dragged myself out of bed. it hurts to even open my eyes these days.

what can i do, though? i have a reputation to uphold.

mother says it's all ruined. that i have no future.

i've always said i'll prove her wrong.

but now i'm doubting it.

i have a big day today. i'm moving to a new school. not just any school, a nice fancy one. father tells me this will be his last sacrifice for me.

how do i tell them i'm tired?

anyways, i can't be acting like this right now. father doesn't like seeing me upset. he wants only the best for me. he wants me to be happy.

i'm logging off for now. see you.

xoxo, jeonghan.


jeonghan sets down his pen and notebook just as his mother opens the door to his room. she walks in with a wallet.

"i heard there's a cafeteria? have whatever you like."

jeonghan takes the wallet. he stares in awe at the amount of money in it.

"thank you, mother."

"it's the least i can do for my son," his mother replies, smiling.

she kisses his forehead, and grips his shoulders.

"be a good boy, please."

there is desperation in her voice.

"yes, mother. i promise i won't fail you this time."

jeonghan's mother lets go of him, and watches as he slings his bag on his shoulder.

"ready for school?" his father greets him, as he plaits his daughter's hair.

"yes, father."

"dad, that's too tight!" the girl whines.

"sit straight, jungah," his father instructs.

"you can leave now, jeonghan, why wait?" jeonghan's mother says.

jeonghan nods, waves his family goodbye, and walks out the front door.

as the fresh air hits him, jeonghan lets down his long hair. he tries to skip, but stumbles.

guess that's another thing he can't do.

the school is close to his house. jeonghan steps back as he sees huge hoards of orderly students line up and walk in.

ugh. order.

jeonghan nonchalantly walks in, completely disrupting the pattern. he ignores the obvious stares some of the students are giving him.

"young sir, you're going to need to tie up your hair?" a strict-looking girl blocks jeonghan's path.

"excuse me?"

"i'm park chaesol. i'm the monitor of this school," she introduces.

"class hasn't started yet. i'll do it up when it does," jeonghan drawls.

"no one argues with me. put your hair up right now." chaesol looks cross.

"calm down, chae, he must be a newbie," a happy-looking boy says, coming up behind them.

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