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dear diary,

chaesol was a fucking cunt to me today. i tried getting her to stop hanging out with jisoo, but the two were inseparable.


she threatened to get me kicked out of school if i got in between them. just because she's the principal's daughter doesn't mean she has to be all haughty.

why does jisoo even like her?

of course, in front of him, she's an angel. she acts all perfect and cute.

i wish i could just snap her neck off. or hit her so hard in the head that she becomes comatose.

that sounds good, doesn't it?

anyways, i'm getting ahead of myself. break's about to end. i still have to win this.

i can't let chaesol win.

xoxo, jeonghan.


"what do you want, retard?" chaesol asks, scanning jeonghan up and down.

"don't you dare make a move on my jisoo," jeonghan warns.

"your jisoo?" chaesol cackles. "he's been my best friend for years. if anything, he's my jisoo."

"you're an absolute bitch. why would jisoo ever like you?" jeonghan spits.

"ah-" chaesol holds up her finger to correct jeonghan. "-i'm not a bitch. i'm the sweetest, kindest and prettiest girl in school."

jeonghan frowns at chaesol. "stay away from him, or else."

"or else what?" chaesol crosses her arms.

"i'll- i'll kill you." jeonghan grabs a nearby pair of scissors.

"you can't do that! i'll get you expelled!" chaesol moves back, scared.

"without evidence?" jeonghan proceeds to twirl the scissors.

"i'm the principal's daughter. i can do anything," chaesol huffs, before turning towards the door.

"remember, stay away from jisoo, or i'll get you," jeonghan grins psychotically.

chaesol doesn't utter a single word as she leaves. in fact, she has a rather scared expression on her face.

when she finally gets to talk to jisoo, she clings onto his arm, shivering.

"what's wrong?" jisoo looks at chaesol.

"j-jeonghan," she stutters. "he said he'd kill me."

jisoo laughs. "don't be ridiculous. the boy can't even hurt a fly."

"n-no! he threatened to kill me if i came close to you-"

"see, jisoo," a voice startles them both. "she's framing me."

jisoo turns around to see jeonghan, visibly upset and glaring at chaesol. chaesol scowls at him in return.

"you are being a bit silly, chae," jisoo lets go of her to hold jeonghan's shoulder. "my han wouldn't say anything like that."

jeonghan smiles as he hears that. he gives chaesol The Look, as if to boast about jisoo calling him his.

"could you tutor me after school? my english assignment is due tomorrow and i have no idea what to do," jeonghan says.

"sure, han. why don't you come over? i could use some help with math from you," jisoo says.

"jisoo, i thought you said we'd go to the arcade today," chaesol whines.

"not when we have homework," jisoo says.

chaesol scowls at jeonghan, and stomps away.

"oh no, did i hurt her?" jisoo looks concerned.

"i think she's just throwing a fit because you're helping me out today," jeonghan frowns.

"huh, you're right. chaesol is a bit too dramatic at times," jisoo says.

jeonghan grins to himself.

later that day, as jisoo is helping jeonghan, he gets a text from his friends.

"they're begging me to hang out."

jeonghan looks away, pouting. "if you really think they're more important than helping me..."

"no, han, i wasn't going to leave," jisoo grabs jeonghan's shoulders. "let's continue?"

jeonghan claps gleefully, and the pair continue with their learning.

while jisoo is downstairs getting snacks, jeonghan unlocks his phone and texts his friends.

i'm sorry, i can't hang out. i've got homework to finish.

jeonghan swiftly deletes his message after he's sure it has been sent, and places jisoo's phone down again.

jeonghan knows all this is wrong, and he's plagued with guilt. but if he wanted to have jisoo all to himself, he needed to do all this.

day after day, jeonghan made sure jisoo was always with him. he often threatened chaesol, who was too scared to come near him. jisoo's friends too didn't hang out with him or invite him as much as they did before, and it was obvious jisoo was distressed by it all.

"jeonghan," jisoo says, as they're lounging on a sofa. "you're the only person who's actively hanging out with me."

"is that a bad thing?" jeonghan asks.

"not at all." jisoo wraps one arm around jeonghan's shoulders. "i'm grateful you're sticking with me."

jeonghan cuddles into jisoo. jisoo looks visibly uncomfortable with how close jeonghan is to him, but he doesn't say anything.

"i wonder if it's something i did?"

"what would you do anyways, shua? you've done nothing," jeonghan says.

"that's what. i don't know why everyone's been so... distant. chaesol's stopped talking as much to me, and my friends don't invite me over anymore."

"i'm sure they'll get over it, jisoo. if they're not inviting you, were they really your friends in the first place?" jeonghan says.

jisoo bites his lip. "you have a point."

"as for chaesol, don't worry about her. maybe she's still embarassed about that confession. she'll talk to you when she's comfortable," jeonghan says.

"you're the best, han. i'm so lucky to have you," jisoo smiles, hugging the boy.

"it's nothing much, joshuji." jeonghan tries to sound nonchalant, but inside he's bursting of happiness.

he wonders how long he'd have to keep this up. hopefully chaesol would just move on from him.

until then, he'd have to keep on doing what he was doing.

dear diary,

everything's working exactly how i want it to.

chaesol's been actively avoiding shua ever since i told her to stay away. perfect.

if this keeps going the way it is, i'll have my joshuji all to myself.

maybe then i can tell him how much i love him.

i hear dad yelling at mom, again. with my luck, they'll both turn to me to vent out their anger.

hopefully jungah's hid dad's belt. i don't know about mom, though. she has a tendency to break our flower pots over things when she's mad. things being my head.

maybe i should stop writing. if anyone were to read this diary, i'd be practically dead.

xoxo, jeonghan.

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