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Max's pov

We all sat in the cab our father paid for, keith was sitting next to the window away from colin he had his headphones on probably listening to some music or watching danganronpa since he is looking down at his phone, Kaleb was sitting next to colin on the other side of me, kaleb was asleep as his head was leaning on Colin's shoulder. Colin was looking out the window smiling and I was well scrolling through YouTube on my phone looking for something interesting to watch.

-after 4 long hours in a car -

We've arrived, we all got our bags and got out of the car, keith had his headphones resting around his neck and an annoyed look on his face as usual, Keith had his bag on his shoulder and his suit case on the ground next to him, kaleb was rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, his bag was on his suit case and he held the suit cases handle with one hand, colin was holding his bag in one arm while the other held his suit case, and I put my bag on my back and held my suit cases handle. We all looked up at the house "Its fucking huge!" Colin says we all nod and walk up to the door. Keith knocked on the door and the door opened by its fucking self

"Ya know imma just turn around and leave," keith says getting ready to turn around, I grab his arm and look at him

"You ain't fucking leaving us here," I say, keith sighed and we walked in.

Kaleb's pov

Once we walked in we were met with a stare case that lead up to what I'm guessing is a second floor of I don't know what. Anyway I looked around when a boy with white hair caught my attention, he was laying on a couch 'vampire?' I mentally asked myself, I walked over to him and got down next to his face, "um... Excuse me," I whisper he opens his eyes and sits up

"You're quiet...  Unlike the others we've had," he says looking at me

"Hello, I'm kaleb. You're father has sent me and my brothers to come live with you and your brothers,"  I explained, the male nods

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Zach," he says smiling, he stands up and walks over to my brothers "please follow me," he says

Colin's pov

We followed the zach boy and we entered a room that was hella beautiful. "Ok so who exactly sent you he-" he started but was cut off

"Ah, look at what we have in here  Cyrus," and unknown voice was heard we looked up and seen a boy with a dark colored hoodie and a boy with a gray tank-top.

"A bunch of cute, innocent, little boys," the boy wearing the gray tank top says, 'we are far from innocent I promise you that' i mentally thought to myself. They were standing next to  us, wait weren't they just up there leaning on the railing? I was pulled out of my thought when I felt something wet make contact with my neck, I flinched and looked to see the boy wearing the dark colored hoodie close to me

"BITCH LICK ME AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!" I heard keith yell, I looked at Keith to see his annoyed face turned into a bitch-i'll-kill-you look, kaleb looked towards zach

"Hey cut it out cyrus and makoto," zach says the two boys sigh and back up, cyrus's eyes not leaving keith.

"Who the hell let these humans in?" A voice growled.

Max's pov

We turned towards the voice "who are you?" I asked

"Answer my question first!" The male yelled I flinched

"He asked you question so you fuckkng answer him," keith says. Keith and the unknown male start arguing

"ENOUGH!" Zach and I yell together

"Theo, these are the boys father sent to live with us," zach says "this is cyrus," he says pointing to the gray tank top boy " makoto,"  he says pointing to hoodie boy "and thats theo," he says meaning the boy who was now leaning on the wall.

"I'm kaleb, this is keith, colin and max," kaleb says "we are brothers," he says looking at zach

"We're loveable," colin says standing next to kaleb smiling looking at makoto

"When we want to be," I add standing next to colin looking at theo

"But overall we're fucking nightmares," keith says looking at cyrus. We all smile evily at the four boys

"That's nice to know, but we....," zach starts walking over to kaleb and grabbing his hand and kissing the back of it

"....Ourselves...,"  makoto says grabbing colin's chin bring him closer

".....Are......," theo says leaning down closer to me

"....Vam~pi~res," cyrus says grabbing Keith's waist and being him closer to his body. Our eyes widen and are cheeks were red.... 'VAMPIRES?!' We all mentally shouted.

What did we get ourselves into? Why father?

( 840 words)

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