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Cryus's pov

I held keith's hand down on the seat of the car. I smirked as he growled under his breath. "You suck," he says with a huff this made me chuckle, I looked at zach and a thought came to mind 'what if i were to flirt with kaleb in front of zach? and in front of keith to see his reaction,' I thought to myself but I changed my mind 'no, no i'll do that later on,' I thought. I heard makato clear his throat.

"Hey keith look at me for a minute," he says I looked at keith as he turned towards makato and titled his head to the side cutely.

"See I told you he'd do it,"  colin says smiling.

After what seemed like forever we finally arrived at school. Me and my brohters got out and there were a bunch of students surrnding our car.

"Look how cute cryus is," one girl screamed. Every girl screamed something towards my brothers and I, when the others got out keith tensed up a bit, this one girl came to keith and looked at him

"Um... HI keith I.... I.... I like you!" she yells and looks blush clearly visable on her cheeks, I glared at the girl keith smiled warmly and placed his hand on her shoulder

"I'm-," he was cut off by a girl who pushed the other girl away from him

"Don't touch my boyfriend you freak," she says keith looked at her and his eyes widen

"I-i'm not-," he started only to be cut off. This sent me over the edge i grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the girl. I pulled him into the school and lead him to an empyt classroom. I threw him in the room and shut the door, I pinned him against one of the desk.

Keith's pov

Cryus pinned me against one of the desk and I got scared "h-hey let me go," I say i felt one of his hands on the back of my head, he gripped my hair and pulled it so my head was leaning to the side "W-wait w-what are you d-doin-," i was cut off by pain in my neck. This wasn't normal pain this was like I was being stabbed. I closed my eyes shut tightly as tears formed at my eyes, I tried to push him away from me but he was stornger.

I opened my eyes and my eye sight was blurry with black dots every where "s-s-stop," I managed to get out from my mouth. He finally pulls away after at least three minutes, I went limp in his arms.

"I got you keith," his voices rings in my ears " your blood is very sweet," he whispers in my ear " and it's all mine,"

My eyes shut and everything went black.

Cryus's pov

I looked at keith as he shut his eyes 'oops... did i take to much from him?' I asked myself mentally, I picked him up and walked towards the door and to the in door pool, i laid him on the soft bench that the school proved for us students.  I sat at the end of the bench and waited for Keith to wake. Zach walked in followed by kaleb "Cryus? why are you in here? what happened to keith?" kaleb asked

"Don't worry he's fine, I just might of took a bit too much blood from him,"  i say this answer for me got me hit from kaleb.

"Why would you do this? Huh?!" Kaleb yelled i looked at him

"Why does matter? He isn't dead?"  i say camly unlike how kaleb was acting

"you dumb dumb, he hates being bitten," kaleb says crossing his arms i sighed, i'll admit that scared me. I thought there was something serouisely was wrong with my baby. My nonbeating heart dropped when kaleb yelled.

"Don't fucking scare me like that," i say . After awhile zach and kaleb left the room and keith was still asleep which kinda scared me because it looked like he wasn't breathing... I slowly scooted closer to him only to get kicked in the gut

"Stay the fuck away from me," he says coldly i groaned and fell off the bench and held my stomach. Keith sat up as my other brothers and his brothers walked in.

"Oh you're awake," kaleb says keith mumble something before he looked up

"Yeah until this asshole fucking woke me up," keith says colin chuckled but max looked serouise

"Hold up keith have you by any chance not been taking your pills?" max says keith nodded only to be grabbed by the ear

"Oh you have?" max says

"Yes," he says only to be pulled towards the pool

"You have BEEN taking your pills?" max says

"you wouldn't," he says

"i would,"

"but you would-," keith was cut off by max being pushed into the pool it was very funny but i kinda felt bad

"OK i haven't but you know we haven't been refilling them because dad fucking is out of town," keith says reaching his hand up to max as if asking for help out of the pool. Max smiled and grabbed his hand and it all happened in a flash but before any of us could blink max, kaleb and colin all were pulled into the pool. Max pulled colin and colin pulled kaleb.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" all three boys yelled and they all started laughing that was until keith was suddenly pulled under and thats when i stood up in painc his bothers were currently looking for him.

"Baby?!" i yelled which shocked my brothers.

Keith's pov

How could i forget? I can swim that is until my body starts to get weak, something from my past is what caused me to be more careful with swimming which sucks because i love swimming. I sturggled as an invisible force pulls me farther in the water, before when i wasn't so weak i would always remain calm whenever i would start to as most would say it drown. However since i was so weak at the moment i wasn't so calm, i was losing air, my lungs were stinging, I open my mouth to try and breath, yes i know stupid move keith, But you put yourself in my shoes, i bet you would do the samething. Anyway  as i opened my mouth water rushed in and started filling my lungs, that's when my arms shot up in the water i was trying to call for help. I suddenly felt someone's hand interwine our fingers then pull me closer to their body. we were going up the person was swimming towards the surface, I felt cold air hit my body and all the water in my lungs came out while i coughed violently,  After the water came out my body started to shake bad and very hard. A husky but yet so calming came into my ears. "Nice deep breathes baby, Breath in and out," the voice says while rubbing my back and moving towards the side of the pool, i was sat on the side of it and as the person was in fornt of me.

"That's it baby just like that, you got it just breath," i looked up and see cryus i mentaly groan. I looked around to see the others there unnoticeably to cyrus, I let out huff and then looked at him

"Thank you cryus," I say as i look him in the eyes he nods and looks me in my eyes there was something in his eyes fear? i think maybe even concern.

"Don't worry about it," he says getting out of the pool. I scooted back away from the water and stand up.  Theo handed me a towel and i smiled wrapping it around my shoulders. Honestly over the pass couple hours me and theo have bonded, we also have all our classes together.

"Here you go sweetie," theo says and i chuckle.

"Thanks theo," i say. Me and theo walked towards the door of the indoor poole

"Well we both have classes so see ya," theo says opening the indoor pool door as i walked out, he followed.

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