Chapter one: on the run

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~Kyles Pov~
The night was silent as I skimmed the palace walls, my bag swung over my shoulder and dagger on my side. The rope I used to climb down the main baroque left forgotten the to a pillar and slightly swinging rubbing against the stones.

I ran past the guards and slumped in the forest, my feet cracking on to the dry leaves or what I hoped to be leaves at least.

you may be wondering what I'm doing and who I am well my name is Kyle Drakon you might have heard of me or not. See my family has ancient linage which doesn't really matter in the modern world but was what kept me alive after the virus and what put me in a high monarchy.

Drakon is a mythical monster from ancient Greek and Greeks people who took on the names of the most feared monster. They say these people infused their blood with that animal protecting its linage from illness and miss fortune. What do ya know they must have ended up true because we are now one of the few immune.

Of course, the immune numbers grew but I lived in your modern-day Washington state where they got the tests first. Those who were first announced immune we're treated like Royalty because they infuse blood with one of their subjects they become immune too.

But with these new monarchies alliances would have to be formed and what better way to do it than marriage. My parents chose for me to marry princess Beverly or more commonly known Bee. Princess Bee was one of the more respected rulers she had a certain way of talking to the Murder hornets and bees getting them to become less hostile, defending her kingdom as well.

Most are sure how she got her powers but there are suspicions that she summoned the Sorceress Seren of the north. Don't get me wrong Bee is great it's just I don't want to be forced to make someone I don't love. I was a warrior a soldier, not a ruler, my brother will come to age and rule our home. But I don't want to be sold off to another kingdom the second I turn eighteen, no I want adventure, to see nothing no one has ever seen before.

So that brought me here a sack of close and food over my shoulder a canteen on my belt and a dagger on the ready. I would say u was doing good so far I handy run-in to anything too dangerous and I hadn't seen any loners, which truthfully is to be expected since I'm not in the Olive void yet.

You see when the kingdoms divided there were empty voids in between which housed the loners, crawlers, and rouge murder hornets. Loner was people who decided they didn't want to be ruled by anyone and most were not immune but hadn't been exposed to the virus.

People started calling the void the Olive void when Prince Oliver Garden went missing a while back. The only reverence of him was a trail of blood leading into the void. The Garden kingdom had doubled their security since then and we're still hostile grieving their son.

I had been walking for thirty minutes when I reached the void. A vail covered all sides of the void an early deafening silence was the only thing that greeted me and for once I was thankful the silence.

I strode forward in the mist keeping a steady pace before reaching the other side. I seemed to be on some kind of ledge because of mist was in front of me. I was about to turn back and try to find a way down when the screeching of metal filled the air and heavy breathing killed the silence but then a small screeching noise could be heard getting closer and closer.

Making a last-minute decision I kicked a rock off the cliff to here the plump of water before pulling a squid and jumping off the cliff.

suddenly my whole body was cold and I could feel warm liquid all around me assuming it was water I opened my mouth. But I quickly started gagging and swam to the surface putting my hand to my eyes and wiping away the goo. When I could finally see again I noticed It wasn't goo no, it was blood. Tangy metallic disgusting blood.

I help in my bag as I swam to the shore and shook off my bag trying to get somewhat dry. But you know my luck so what do I hear, metal against metal heavy breathing and screeching. But it was getting louder and louder there seemed to be more than I thought because out of the most figures in hundreds started crawling towards me. Only when they had stepped into my eyesight had I realize what they were


Without a second thought, I ran my bag hitting my back and my feet patterns against the uneven flooring. The most started to clear and I could see the tree line... I had made it to the inside of the void!

But my realization was short celebrated as I remembered the horde of crawlers chasing after me. I kept running and running, I was doing pretty good until I made the mistake of looking back. They were still steady behind me and I was starting to low my breath but then.   Bam!

My head smacked against the ground as I tripped and a gash formed on the back of my head. The crawlers started approaching and I held out my dagger if I was gonna go down then I was gonna go down fighting.
Just a the first crawler was about to pounce at me something was thrown at it and before I knew it, it's head landed next to me severed from its body. The other crawlers stared at their fallen comrade before running away. Something must have scared them, but what?

I started to feel woozy now comely are of the blood flowing from the side of my head as if fell backward. Someone moved next to me and I could see their outfit, brown cover in severed crawler heads which was completely disturbing. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that crawlers were basically zombified, bloodthirsty baby's?

My eye started to droop and I could feel my body being lifted off the ground as heard someone say

"you shouldn't have come here"

Before every thing went black

hope you enjoyed!
Sincerely- Groot

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