Chapter Five: Im in

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-Kyles POV-

-Vision Realm-

Burning, everything was burning. Flames climbed the walls of my old home. My vision was blurred but I could still make out two forms in the distance.

I started to move forward, but as I got closer I realized that I knew the two forms. Their features were one of the most familiar things in the world.

Because in front of me there stood my brother crouched down, his face leaning over the other figure. As I crouched to look at my brother I could see his face covered in ash and dirt tear tracks as clear as day traced his once lively face.

Looking down I could see that my suspicions were correct for the familiarity the other figure lying next to my brother was my mom.

My mom

My mom

Her face, oh god. Her face seemed to be the only intact thing about her. Her hands where charred, her legs twisted in unnatural angles.

I placed a hand on my brothers shoulder and was concerned as he didn't acknowledged me, just stood there his eyes looking at our mother almost numb.

Suddenly both figures faded away and something else came barreling in to view. Literally.

A horse as white as snow ran at me full speed and I could see  sludges of crimson red littered the horse. A knight rode the steed he as-well, had his armors just as tattered. But u could still see the royal seal of my family on his left chest plate.

As the knight rode off the place around me changed again. I was deathly aware of  my hearing returning as screams assaulted my ears. So many different pitches yelling out an agony but as it continued I felt myself only focusing on one.

My brothers shrill girlish scream ran through and I felt myself running to the direction it had sounded from. The knight from before broken in the dirt his helmet no where in sight. A gaping hole in his chest, blood seeping through. Reaching closer I saw my brother once again, but he was older and this time he actually acknowledged me. His voice verily loud enough to make out his words.

"K-k-kyle I'm s-sorry f-for not being t-the b-brother you deserv..."

His words cutting out as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

No. No. No. No. No!"

I whispered as the world started to dissolve around me. My body impacted the ground and I was met with a meadow that strongly differed from the blood bath I had laid in hours before.

I looked to my side to see a young girl around eleven, In a neat flower dress looking forward with a large grin planted on her face. Her voice sweet, not quiet matching the message she delivered.

"You can't save them."

I just looked at the little girl and sneered

"who are you!?"

The girl turned toward me "I am simply a creator burning the disaster my family made to start a new, even if that means taking everything from you"

Apocalyptic desires (FishxKyle)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora