Chapter three: the phrophecy

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~Kyles POV~

wait. wait. wait.

are you shiting me ain't Oliver and Drew together?!

I looked over at Oliver to see him looking away, with an almost bored expression. Did this happen regularly or something?I looked at fish for clarification to see her staring at me intently obviously amused by my facial reaction. She then lent down toward my hear and said "Whats wrong little Prince? you look like a lost puppy."

I just looked toward the intent looks Drew and the lady were giving each other. Fish realized what i was thinking but instead of just explaining she must have decided to be possessed by something or just wanted to fuck with me. because she leaned over her breath brushing my skin before saying "your so innocent little prince"

At this point my deep reddened cheeks returned from earlier in the day. I saw Oliver looking between me and fish the gears in his mind must have been turning because he got a satisfied look on his face. Fish looked away for half a second and when I looked at Oliver he was doing kissing faces at us.

I decided to ignore him for now and looked toward Drew who started to speak "Me and Seren are going to" I saw Oliver give him a look as if saying "yeah, "talk". Drew only reddened in response before griping Seren's hand and looking at me an Fish. "I will be back in ten minutes why don't y'all stay here and talk.

Then he closed the door behind him as they both left the room. Fish then went to another side of the room and started throwing one of er knives up and down catching it each time. I was so focused on Fish that i didn't notice that Oliver had walked over to me till i heard him say "so you and Fish uh?

I jumped at his sudden proximity before realizing what he had said. "what! no, i don't like fish!" Oliver just looked at my y grumpy expression "OH, really because are we just gonna pretend that you were a tomato just two minutes ago?" I just crossed my arms and said "yeah that exactly what were going to do" Oliver just looked at me with an amused expression "are you sure because i'm pretty sure she likes you" and with that the little shit walked off before I could reply.

I couldn't like fish right? sure she beautiful, strong, funny, heroic, and her voice, her voice makes my heart flutter and feel like i could just melt.

oh my god! i'm falling for Fish! A horrified expression over took me, I cant fall for a loner! I don't want to be tied down! But would Fish really do that? i know shes protective bu shes also someone who looks like they yearn for adventure like me. Maybe just maybe.

five minutes in we hear thumping from somewhere in the castle! what id they were being attacked?! Or if Drew and Seren are hurt! Looked toward my companions to see them awfully calm. "we have to check on Drew and Seren what if their hurt?!" I said looking at Oliver. Oliver just looked at me and fell over on to the floor in a fit of laughter. "why are you laughing this is serious?!" Oliver just got up and said "your serious?" I just nodded and he said "Don't worry about it kiddo their fine" I was totally not convinced "so then what are they doing " I said.

This time fish spoke up "You see little prince, when two people like each other very much they...." suddenly i understood what was happening and regretted asking. "oh,there doing the devils tango?" Oliver just gave me a small nodd.

the rest of the time was spent in awkward silence now that everyone was aware of what was happening upstairs. although I did ask Oliver "why?" and he had said that "this specific sorceress takes a certain type of payment"

five more minutes had passed and finally Drew came back saying "Seren will talk to us now". we followed drew out to see the sorceress sitting at a round table "So what would you like to know?" This time Drew started "you said you would give us the prophecy to find a final cure if we found the runaway lizard prince" Only  then did seren notice me because she scanned my face and gestured me forward. She placed a hand on my head and said "yes, yes, you have all done well now gather for i will only say this once, and this is imperceptive if you wish to save your future"

we gathered around Seren as suddenly her eyes went pure white and purple smoke enveloped us all.

"The one who swims and the innocent will gather the one of bees, the one of gardens, and the one of the void. they will have the bottom show them to be deployed.

The five will travel to stop the one who wears a face that is not hers.The innocent one will gain what hes yearned for years.

The one who swims will finally find a family. The one of bees will escape her own brutality.

the one  of gardens will discover who he wants to be. The one of the void will conquer an uncontrollable sea.

Together they will unite, but their offender will not go down without a fight"

Sorry if its short!-Groot

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