Chapter 6

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Everything is perfectly normal when I wake up. The birds are singing their songs for all to hear. Chloe is in the shower. Lara is brushing her hair while reading a book. Everything is normal.

Except that it's not. I know I didn't imagine that scream last night, it was real. If I close my eyes for a second, it's all I can hear- what a dreadful noise. "You look exhausted, Sky." I open my mouth to tell her what I heard last night, but think better of it. They wouldn't believe me- they'd think that I was delirious from lack of sleep and imagining things. Or maybe they'd say that it was just a nightmare. But it wasn't. "Skyla? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, just didn't sleep too well. Don't tell Chloe, I don't want her feeling like she's to blame."
"I know you didn't: you were tossing and turning, moaning all night. At some points you even yelled "No! Please, no!" I wasn't sure if I should have woken you, but I wasn't sure if you'd be able to get back to sleep if I did. Sorry."
"It's fine, nothing a few litres of coffee won't solve."
"Caffeine is not the answer, Sky. It stunts your growth!"
"Whatever." I sigh.

Today is going to be a long day, I can just feel it.


My morning activity is zip lining and Ruby and I are buckling up ready to go when I realise. Ruby looks shattered too. "Didn't you sleep well? You look really tired."
"So do you! You look like a zombie."

That's when it dawns on me- Ruby must have heard the scream too! This will prove that I didn't just imagine it. Then I can tell Lara and Chloe.

"Ruby? Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, it better be quick though as I'm about to go flying!"
"Did you hear anything...strange last night?"
"Strange as in what?"
"Like a scream."
"No, you must have been hearing things."

I know I didn't imagine that scream last night, it was so horrifyingly real. The piercing shriek ringing in my ears. I have to literally cover my ears to remove the hideous sound from my poor ears. Who was it that screamed? Why were they screaming? Are they hurt, or dare I say it- dead?

"Sky, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jonny comes over to me and Ruby, putting an arm over my shoulder."
"I'm fine, just really tired. Can you give me a second?"
"By Skyla!" Ruby whizzes off into the trees, squealing with content. Maybe she didn't hear it after all, how could she be so at ease if she had?

I skip the rest of the morning activities and don't join everyone again until lunch. Everyone is chatty and Chloe looks happier, as though a massive weight has been lifted off her weary shoulders. "Hey guys, you alright? Feeling better, Chlo?"
"Yeah, I really am. I've been thinking, I don't need a mum, I have you guys, I have my dad. I'm luckier than I realised before."
"That's great and we're always here. I'm not jetting off to Spain anytime soon."
"Ugh, I wish I was." Brad groans, "All the heat, exploring, going to sandy beaches. One word: heaven."
"Wow, someone is clearly falling in love with Spain. When's the wedding?"
"Woah, woah, woah. Who said I'm getting married? What if I want to be a lone wolf?"
"Each to their own, I guess, Brad. Whatever you so desire." Giggles Lara.
"What? Even if I did want to marry Spain, what's wrong with that? I am capable of making these decisions. And you guys are supposed to support me with my decisions." He says smugly.
"How on Earth did we go from talking about my mum to Brad marrying Spain?" Chloe shakes her head and laughs at us.
"Dunno, Brad's just weird. But I was thinking..." he pauses for effect, "Anyone up for a game of Manhunt tonight in the woods?" Jonny asks, clearly excited at the idea.
"Ah, that sounds awesome! Count me in!" Brad high fives Jonny.
"I don't know, are we allowed out at night?" Lara asks, frowning.
"Come on, don't be a bore."
"Fine. You two coming?" Chloe nods smiling and I agree too, not wanting to be left out.

But I'm terrified. What if whatever it was that was in the woods last night comes back? What if I end up being the screaming girl in the woods with nobody brave enough to save her? At least I'll be with my friends, but who knows what will happen tonight...

Murder in the woods حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن