Chapter 15

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Hey everyone, I hope you're liking my story so far... I've really enjoyed writing this and hope that you like it too. I couldn't have done this without my crazy friend beth so thanks to her. I've only got a few chapters left now😢💗

You know when people say that their lives flash before their eyes when they know they're going to die? Well, I guess it's true- sort of. All sorts of memories both happy and sad flood in all at once. It's almost as if I'm trying to cling onto the last bits of my life that I have left before I die.

I remember baking with Katy and Hannah one evening a few years ago. Katy got flour all over her, God knows how she managed it- it was probably on purpose, thinking back. And Hannah found it absolutely hilarious that she looked just like a ghost, insisting that she wanted to be a ghost too. So, of course, a few minutes later they were hiding behind doors, ready to scare our unknowing parents. Dad was annoyed at the waste of flour, but couldn't resist laughing at them.

I think about sleepovers with Lara and Chloe. We would hide under our duvet forts with loads of snacks and torches, spilling secrets and playing silly games. We always ended up staying awake well into the early hours of the morning, then being exhausted and regretting it the next day. But we never learnt our lessons!

Then there's the sadder memories: arguments with friends, being yelled at, detentions. And obviously that night at camp that feels like years ago now.

These thoughts calm me to a certain extent, it's almost like I've given up on fighting anymore. It's over for me, I've accepted that.

But then I realise, I'm still here. She hasn't done it yet. I slowly open my eyes and see a teardrop fall down Chloe's paling face. She drops the knife and croaks, "I'm so sorry." The knife lands on the concrete and Ruby and I both eye it warily, unsure whether to snatch it or not. But neither of us reaches for it. "I am so, so sorry, Skyla. I know that you can't forgive me, but I'm really sorry. I am."
"You're pathetic." Ruby spits, her mouth curling up into an ugly glare at us like we're the dirt on the bottom of her shoes. Then she stalks off, not turning back.

Then Lara limps towards us, followed by the police. "Lara!" I call, but the tape over my mouth stops the words from coming out. "Oh my God, Skyla!" she staggers over to me, embracing me in a big hug. I go limp in her warm, capable arms, unable to do anything else. Carefully, she pulls off the tape from my mouth and I wince, then ask her, "What happened at your house?"
"I'll tell you everything later, I promise. Are you ok?" then she spots the knife on the floor, "You're gonna need to catch me up too!" she half laughs.

A policeman jogs over to us, the other one running after Ruby. "Chloe Robertson, I am arresting you under suspicion of attempted assault, possession of a weapon and holding someone against their will. You do not have to say anything, but this could affect you in court if you remain silent when questioned." He holds Chloe by the wrists and helps her into the car.

"What about the killing of her mum?"
"They don't know about that yet, but they will when we've got proof."
"You don't have proof yet?"
"No, but she did confess to me."
"So you're a witness, then, that's proof. I have proof that Ruby was at the scene- Jonny's a witness."
"We'll get the evidence and their motives soon, don't worry."
"I know we will, so how did you get Chloe to confess?"
"I was suspicious of her so I pretended I'd seen her leaving the cabin that night you heard the scream and that I knew she'd done it. Straight away she admitted it and begged me not to tell anyone, including you."
"Wow, I just- I just can't believe that Chloe would ever in a million years even consider hurting, let alone killing, someone in cold blood.
"I guess we never knew the real Chloe, did we?"
"I suppose not."

We file into the second police car and are taken to the station to make a statement.

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