Chapter 14

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The hunt begins. Running over rubble, stumbling down sloping hills, feet slipping and sliding, bare hands grasping branches and bushes, heart pounding, breath ragged. But this is just the beginning of the chase. I search wildly, like a predator hunting prey, except that I am the prey, seeking the deadly jaws of my predators. I tear through bushes, determined to take down my best friend and her secret sister. I gasp for air, my lungs screaming for more oxygen. But I ignore the calls from my body and run faster, faster. Each heavy step jars my still weak leg which is only fresh out of it's cast. But I can't stop, I have to find them.

It takes hours of this painful search before I see them. They're sitting on a park bench laughing carelessly. The sister has her face turned away from me, but I can clearly see Chloe. It's demoralising seeing them so calm, sitting out in the open waiting for me when I've put myself through so much pain and effort to find them.

"It took you awhile." the girl next to Chloe chuckles softly. I recognise her voice. But from where? Then she turns to face me and I can't believe my eyes. It's Ruby from camp.

It really makes you doubt yourself and lose faith when the answers to all of your questions have been dangling in front of your nose this whole time. It hits you like a punch to your gut, making you want to double over. But I don't; I look Ruby in the eyes and ask her a question, holding back my tears which threaten to spill over, "How could you?" And that's it. My barriers are down and the tears are flowing freely like water released from a dam. How could the sparky girl I'd befriended at camp turn out to be a heartless murderer? How could my best friend not only do that but hide her own sister from me her whole life? Why would she do that to me, her best friend since our first days at school? And how could they have hurt Lara like that?

I try to voice my questions, but I can't, I'm speechless. What is there left to say? Where could I even begin?

"Oh don't be all innocent and pathetic. It's called acting."
"But why? Why keep your sister a secret, Chloe? Why would you kill your mum? Why did you do that to Lara?"
"So she told you then."
"Yes, and we're going to the police."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but we can't let you do that." My best friend walks towards me then, a thick fake smile across her face. She drags me to an alleyway, assisted by Ruby. I struggle and squirm in their iron grip, but can't break free.

They shove me against the wall, but before I can run, Ruby gets something out of her backpack and passes it to Chloe. "The more you struggle, the worse it'll be." she whispers, swinging the knife gently in her hands. I start to scream, but they get some tape out and slap it over my mouth.

Oh my god, they're going to kill me. They're going to kill me now.I can't die, I have to help Lara! I can't leave my family behind! Oh, my poor, sweet sisters, they can't grow up without their big sister by their sides! "Let me go!" I yell, but it comes out as a muffled "mm mm mmm!" Ruby holds me firmly against the wall while I try to break free and Chloe draws her hand back, ready to kill me. I close my eyes, unable to watch. They're really going to do this, aren't they?






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