Chapter 11

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On the way to school on Monday morning after a few weeks off due to the trauma, Chloe invites me round after school to answer some questions. She's started being friendlier towards me and Lara now, but it's not quite the same as it was before- we used to be inseparable.

We've been friends since the first day of primary school. Lara was sitting against the brick wall reading a picture book, her hair in cute pigtails. Chloe was charging about the playground like a complete maniac, pedalling determinedly on a tricycle, desperate to overtake the boy she was racing against. I was watching Chloe, kind of awe of her, but too shy to say so. I leant against the brick wall near Lara and continued to watch the crazy girl who was super cool and confident. She came up to me after catching me watching, "You want to join?" she asked me.
"I-uh, I'm not very good at cycling. I might fall off..."
"Don't worry, I'll help you! It'll be fun." she insisted, half dragging me across the playground. Lara looked up from her book then and giggled nervously, whispering good luck to me. "You should come too." Chloe said, overhearing her.
"No thank you, I'm reading my book."
"Don't be boring, you'll love it! Please!" she begged, putting her hands together as though she were praying and she even started pouting, using puppy eyes.
"Fine. But I won't let my dress get dirty like yours."

And from then on, we were best friends. We had sleepovers and birthday parties, days out swimming and rainy days inside, binge watching films. We may be very different people, but we have always been such close friends.

" coming over then?"
I snap out of my nostalgic thoughts and answer, "Yes, yeah, of course! Thanks, is Lara coming too?"
"Nah, she's got her nerd club thing."
"You know she hates you calling it that."
"And that, Skyla, is exactly why I call it that. Besides, book club is totally nerdy, you have to admit."
"Mmm." I mumble non committedly, not wanting to offend Lara by agreeing or Chloe by disagreeing.

Not long later, we stop by and pick up Lara. She seems surprisingly nervous about going back considering how laid-back Chloe seems. It's incredible how well Chloe is dealing with everything- I mean she's certainly had her breakdowns and is needing intensive therapy, but I'm still impressed at how strong she really is. I don't think I'd manage anywhere near as well as she has. Even at the funeral, she was able to greet people and make a speech, barely shedding a tear. But Chloe never has been the sort to cry in public, she tends to bottle it all up and let it out when she's alone in her room at night and no one can overhear her sobbing. I wish she'd let people in more, we just want to help her.

"You alright, Lara?" I ask her as she locks her front door.
"I'm fine thanks, just got a lot on my mind, that's all."
"Well, I'm sorry it's so traumatising for you that you were there when I found my mum dead." Chloe snaps.

Woah, that was out of the blue, she was in a good mood a few minutes ago.

"I didn't mean it like that, you know I didn't!"
"How did you mean it then?"
"Forget it, you're not the only one struggling right now, Chloe. Come on, Sky. let's go."

Maybe Chloe isn't coping as well as I thought... I feel hopelessly stuck in the middle, not wanting to take sides. "Come on guys, let's not argue. We're all finding this hard right now, but we need to stick together."
"Try telling that to Chloe, she thinks the whole bloody world revolves around her!"

I gasp - Lara has never sworn before and has always vowed not to, insisting that it's vulgar and disgusting using such awful words to hurt someone. Lara seems equally shocked at her outburst, but doesn't take back what she said. I guess she does have a point, Chloe does love to be the center of attention, leaving me and Lara at the sidelines. But she's really suffering right now, experiencing the worst possible thing that anyone could imagine. It was horrifying enough for me and Lara in the woods, but poor Chloe discovered her dead mum in the woods. And to be told that it was probably suicide by the police. Who would ever be able to get over that?

"Lara..." I start, "Look, Chloe is having a seriously rough time at the moment- we all are- but this is a million times worse for her. Just put yourself in her shoes for a minute."
"So you're taking her side? Thanks a lot! And her feet absolutely stink, so I'm good thanks." SHe storms off after that.
"Lara, please! We can't argue! I'm not taking sides!" I yell after her, jogging to catch up. Chloe catches my arm, pulling me back before saying, "She's not worth it, and everyone knows that she has big, disgusting feet anyway."
"Why are we still talking about feet?" I laugh despite the situation.
"God knows!"

Chloe links her arm through mine when we walk into school, like she's trying to make a point. I feel guilty, but don't want to annoy Chloe even more by walking off to find Lara.

I hate being stuck in the middle like this, it's going to be a long day.

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