Untitled Part 8

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Pineapple woke up again from her peaceful nap feeling better and able to move herself. "Where is that scavenger?" she thought to herself as she got up to look for whoever put her there. She walked out of the hut and took a turn seeing the garden "wow" she thought to herself "who planted all of this?" she asked herself as she plucked a cabbage and devoured it "squeak squeak squeak" said something behind one of the cabbages. "Oh" she said to the scavenger "what are you doing there?" she said as she picked it up "squeak squeak squeak squeak" it replied putting down a tiny green watering bucket. "Wait?" pineapple said in deep confusion "do you grow all of these crops?" she asked then felt dumb for trying to ask it something and expecting an answer. Then she decided that if communication was possible it would be sign language. She pointed to the scavenger to the watering can then to the vegetables and it nodded. "Aha!" she said "you do grow these plants." Then she tried pointing at herself then at the hut then at herself again, and he scavenger pointed at itself. She tried it over a few times but it kept pointing at itself until she realized that the scavenger was the one who got her there.

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