Chapter 2

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Ed and Al looked at each other and nodded. “Yes we are!” They said in unison.
You and the brothers sat around the table in the kitchen as you studied alchemy waiting for the food to be done. You got up every so often to check on it. “The potatoes are done!” You exclaimed. “Time to mash them!” You picked up the giant pot and dumped it into the sink. You took the potatoes out of the sink and put them back into the pot. You looked around for a masher but couldn’t find one. “Time to improvise!” You grabbed a knife out of the drawer, clapped your hands together and made a masher. “Perfect.” You said as you inspected your work. You then added butter, salt and milk into the potatoes. “Clank, clink, clank.” You started to mash the ingredients in the pot.
Ed crept up behind you and sniffed the yummy potatoes. He started to drool. “Oh my God that smells sooooo goooood!”
You giggled took a little bit of the now mashed potatoes. Ed opened his mouth, he thought you were giving him a sample but instead you smooshed it on his nose. He went cross-eyed and sneezed. “Achooooo! Hey what did you do that for?!” He looked at you angrily but couldn’t keep a straight face. You all laughed.
“I-I’m sorry you left yourself completely open I couldn’t help myself!” You bellowed as you fell on the ground laughing. The three of yours laughter echoed through the hallway.
“What are you all doing?” Came a voice from behind.
You all stopped laughing and looked up to see Mustang.
Ed got up and helped you up. You walked over to Mustang. “Cooking some yummy dinner! It should be almost done and we were planning on coming over to see you and everyone else to eat dinner!”
“W-wow that’s very nice of you thank you (Y/N). I can’t wait to try your delicious cooking! I’ll go tell everyone that amazing food is coming. Thank you again!”
“You’re welcome Colonial!” You waved bye to Roy.
Ed looked at you. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?” You asked confused.
“Bring out the best in everyone. I’ve never seen Mustang react like that.”
“A little bit of kindness can go a long way and become something much bigger. I try to spread good and love wherever I go. If I can make just one person’s day everyday that’s good enough for me.” You clenched your fists. “There’s too much sadness in the world.” Your eyes started to tear up, you shook your head and smiled.
Ed took your face in his hands and wiped away your tears. “Stop crying silly. You’re such a light, you light up the darkest nights and shine for miles.” Ed looked away. “You know whenever I would get depressed and feel hopeless I would think about you. Your energy is just so good and happy your smile can warm a cold heart. You’re a sign of hope to me.” He kept looking away as he tried to hid the fact that he was blushing.
Your cheeks turned red. “W-wow thank you Ed.” You hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back and held you close. You both looked at each other and smiled getting lost each others eyes.
“Um (Y/N)? The oven went off.” Said Al.
“Hm?” You replied as you still stared into Ed’s beautiful golden eyes.
“The oven went off.”
“Oh…. Shit.” You let go of Ed and walked over to the oven.
Ed kept staring at his arms where he just held you. You tapped his shoulder and he looked at you.
“You okay hun?” You looked at him.
His cheeks turned as red as his coat. “Y-yea I’m fine." He smiled at you.
You smiled back. “Good all the food is done. Let’s pack it up and bring it over to Mustang’s office.” You looked for a cart to carry the food. “Hmmmm guess I’ll have to improvise again.” You looked over at a chair. “That’s my next victim.” You laughed, walked over to the chair and clapped your hands together turning the chair into a rolling cart for the food. “Perfect! Yet again! Okay help me load up the food.”
You each grabbed a pot and loaded everything on the cart. Ed snuck up from behind you and stole the cart from you.
“Hey! What are you doing?” You said scolding Ed.
He stuck his tongue out and ran away with the cart. You laughed and chased him through the courtyard.
“Get back here shrimpie!” You said laughing.
Ed laughed. “Who are you calling shrimp?! You’re shorter that me!” He shot you a cheesy smile and continued to run.
“Oh shit that’s right I can’t insult you because you’re taller than me!” You pouted. “Hmmmmm.” You clapped your hands together a stone on a necklace started to glow you were lifted up off the ground by a giant hand. It went towards Ed. “I’m gonna get you! Mwhahaha!” You laughed as you got closer to Ed.
Ed looked back and realized how close you were. “Ohhhhh shit….” He stopped as you were let down in front of him by the hand.
You held your arms out. “I caught you! You’re mine!” You smiled and glomped Ed. “There’s no escape from me! Mwhahaha!”
Ed laughed and rolled his eyes. “Fiiiiiine you caught me I’m yours.”
“Promise? I can keep you?” You smiled.
Ed nodded in agreement. “Yes you can keep me…. Wait in what way are you keeping me exactly. What the hell did I just sign up for?!”
You smirked. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” You stuck out your tongue. “Now come one let’s get this food in before it gets cold.”

Roy heard commotion outside and looked out his window to see Ed, Al and you laughing. “Pffffft “not my girlfriend” my ass.” He laughed. “Well now I can tease him even more.”
The three of you bring the food up to Roy’s office.
You busted the door open. “Alright! WHOS HUNGRY!?” You said in a booming voice. The smells of the yummy food wafted throughout the office. Havoc and Falman floated over to the food and started to drool.
“Oh sweet sirens call that smells amazing!” Said Falman. “(Y/N) you out did yourself!”
You blushed from the sweet compliment. “Awwwww shucks I just wanted to do something nice for you guys!” You smiled brightly.
“Thank you so much (Y/N)!” The crew said in unison.
“You’re very welcome! Now let’s get the table set before the food gets cold.” You went under the cart and started to pass out dishes, forks, knives and so on. “Now time to serve the food!” You looked up and noticed the food was already off the cart and on the table. “Wow that was fast.” You laughed. “Miss Riza would you get the Colonial please?”
She smiled at you. “Of course I will and please call me Riza.” She got up and knocked on Roy’s door. “Colonial? The amazing food (Y/N) made is ready to be served.”
Roy opened the door and stepped out. “Wow (Y/N) this smells amazing! I can’t wait to try it!” He took a seat at the head of the table.
You grabbed the roast and served yourself then passed it to Ed. Ed passed it to Riza and it went around the table followed by the potatoes and chicken soup. You took a pitcher of apple juice and passed it to Ed.
“Here since you hate milk.” You handed it to Ed and laughed.
Ed laughed too. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
You blushed. “I always think about you dummy.” You stuck out your tongue. “You’re all I think about.” You mumbled to yourself.
“What was that?” Asked Ed.
Your cheeks turned as red as his coat. “N-nothing!” You waved your hands back and forth. “It was nothing!”
Ed raised an eyebrow. “Suuuuure. Whatever you say (Y/N). Whatever you say.”
You shook your head and laughed. “Alright let’s dig in!”
“Wow this is amazing (Y/N) I can’t believe how good it is!” Exclaimed Falman.
“Yes it truly is! It reminds me of moms cooking.” Said Ed.
You looked at Ed and blushed. “Wow really? That’s truly an honor Ed! Thank you so much.”
He looked at you and smiled.
You all sat around the table for a couple of hours and talked about everything. You laughed and had a great time with everyone.
You got up and walked over to the cart. “Who wants pie?” You asked as you opened a secret drawer that had an apple and blueberry pie in it.
“What? Where did the pie come from!? I never saw that.” Exclaimed Ed.
“I snuck it in when you weren’t looking. I made this compartment and it has coals in it so the pie has been slow baking this whole time.” You smirked. “Pretty clever huh?” You took the pies over to the table. You served yourself a small piece of each and passed them to Ed. “If you like both take a small piece of each.”
Ed did just that. “I’ve never tried blueberry pie before I’m excited!” He took a bite. “This…. Is…. Sooooo…. Gooooood. (Y/N) this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!”
“W-why thank you Ed! I’m so glad you like it!” You smiled.
Ed passed the pies, everyone did the same and took a piece of each.
“Oh my God (Y/N) your pies are amazing!” Said Havoc.
“This is the best pie I’ve ever had!” Said Falman as he cried tears of happiness.
You gave him a odd look. “I don’t think I’ve ever made anyone cry tears of joy because of my pies.” You laughed. “I’m happy you all love them so much!”
You finished your pie and leaned back in your chair. You rubbed your belly. “Now that was a good meal. I’m stuffed!”
“Thank you again for the amazing home cooked meal!” Exclaimed Roy.
“Yes thank you so much.” Said Riza.
“Ohhh I was nothing I love to cook. It’s like therapy for me. Plus I had two really good helpers.” You smiled brightly. “It’s the reaction I get from people that makes the meal so good. I’m so glad you all liked it!” You couldn’t stop smiling. You leaned back again and started to feel drowsy. You yawned and closed your eyes.
Ed and Al looked at you. “Did she just fall asleep?” Asked Ed.
“Well she has had a pretty long day.” Stated Riza. “Before she left here she told me that she was going to run errands and get ingredients to make you dinner Ed. Little did we know that she was making dinner for all of us. (Y/N) must’ve ran around the whole city gathering everything for tonight’s dinner. Why don’t you take her back to the dorm and get some rest yourself Ed.”
“Yea I will.” He walked over to you and picked you up bridal style. “You all have a good night.”
“You too Ed.” Replied Roy.
Ed and Al walked out the door. Ed carried you across the courtyard.
You briefly woke up and looked up at Ed. You smiled and snuggled into him. “You’re so warm.” You said sleepily. You sighed and fell back asleep.
Ed looked down at you and smiled. “She’s so cute when she sleeps.” He thought to himself. Ed walked up the stairs to the dorm and went inside. Ed walked into the room and put you on your bed. He took your coat and shoes off and put the covers on you. He yawned and stretched. “Ohhhh my I think it’s time for bed.” Ed got himself ready for bed. “Goodnight Al see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight brother.”
It’s the middle of the night you had a horrible nightmare. You’re being chased by Envy and Lust. They catch up to you and kidnap you. You’re taken away and they torture you. You’re woken up by Ed he was shaking you.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare.”
You looked at Ed and started to cry. “People were chasing me. A man and a woman with tattoos of a red dragon eating its own tail….” You clung to Ed.
Ed looked at you shocked. “They’re called homunculi. They’re artificial humans.”
“Artificial humans? What do they want.”
“We aren’t quiet sure yet all we know is that Al and I are sacrifices for them.”
“S-sacrifices? I don’t like the sound of that.” You started to tremble.
Ed held you close. “Move over.”
You did so and he climbed into bed.
You looked at him and blushed. “Ed w-what are you doing?”
“Don’t you remember when we were little kids whenever you had a nightmare I’d get into bed with you and cuddle you to make all the bad things go away.”
“Yes I do remember.” You laid down and Ed put his arms around you. You fell back asleep.

Woooohooooo chapter two is done! So much fluff and cuteness between you and Ed! Enjoy!

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