Chapter 5

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“Y-you’re in love with me?” Asked Ed as he turned even redder.
“Y-yes I-I've been in love with you forever Ed. As long as I can remember I have.”
Ed just stared at you.
“W-well aren’t you gonna say something!? I feel like an idi-.” Ed cut you off and cupped your face in his hands as he pulled you in for another kiss.
“Does that answer your question (Y/N)? I have had feelings for you for a long time as well. It’s just I’m no good at that kind of stuff…. Ya know feelings, heh.”
“The thick headed Alchemist.” You giggled. “Not used to showing those kind of feelings are you?”
“No not at all, I mean we're only fifteen don’t know much about this stuff.” He started to laugh. “I’m at a total loss here.”
You chuckled. “I mean I guess it’s nothing really different than what it is now? I’m not too sure myself, but I’m looking forward to the cuddles, the snuggles and the kisses.” You smiled at Ed and he turned bright red.
He smiled back at you. Suddenly it started to rain. “What the hell? It’s raining? Let’s get back to the dorms.”
You ran back to the city and headed towards the dorms. Suddenly Scar came out of nowhere and attacked.
“What the hell!?” You yelled as you barely dodged Scar’s attack he hit the ground with his fist, breaking it. You quickly turned your Automail into a blade and pushed Scar back. He lunged at you and attempted to break your Automail arm but Ed saved you.
“Oh no you don’t you bastard!” Yelled Ed as he lunged at Scar and tried to cut him with his blade, but it was no use Scar dodged Ed.
Scar went after you again, rage gleaming in his eyes. “I’ll get you girl!” He yelled as he went after you. You stepped backwards to avoid him but you tripped on the broken ground from Scar’s previous attack. As you were falling Scar caught your Automail leg in his hand and shattered it. Your eyes widened with fear as your leg crumbled in his hand. “N-no this can’t be the end for me!” You created a wall but it was no use he went right through the wall to grab at you. Ed came out of nowhere and kicked him in the head hard making him fall back. Ed jumped up top of Scar and punched him.
“H-how dare you hurt her you bastard! I will kill you!” Yelled Ed.
Scar was able to block one of the punches and pushed Ed off. He stumbled to his feet. “I-I have to get out of here.” Said Scar as he knelt down and made a hole in the ground disappearing.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay!?” Ed came running over to you tears filled his eyes. “This was exactly what I was afraid of.” He said aggravated.
“I’m okay Ed!” You smiled at him as he held you close. “Don’t be afraid I brought this upon myself I made the choice to join the military. I wanted to help you and Al. It was just a misstep and I’ll just have to be more careful.”
He picked you up bridal style. “We gotta get you home to Resembool right away.”
“What the hell happened here!?” Came a familiar voice from behind.
“Colonial Mustang?” You said in unison.
“Hello Fullmetal, hello (Y/N). So I asked a question I expect an answer.”
“Scar launched a surprise attack on us while we were heading back to the dorms.” You started.
“We engaged him in a fight, then (Y/N) tripped and he destroyed her leg. I attacked Scar so I could get him off of (Y/N). He ran away underground.” Ed finished.
“I’m glad you two are okay. We will have a team pursuit Scar. You three better get back to the dorms safely.”
“We will Colonial! One thing we need to get home to see Winry as soon as possible so she can fix (Y/N)’s leg.”
“You can leave in the morning.  Go back to the dorms and stay safe! Okay?”
“But I wanted to leave no-!” You placed your hands over his mouth.
“Yes Colonial that works fine. Thank you.” You said cutting Ed off. “Please Ed I want to rest.” You said as you leaned into his ear. “I just had something traumatic happen to me all I want right now is you holding me close and comforting me.” You whispered into his ear.
He looked at you and smiled. “Okay (Y/N) if that’s what you want.” He looked at Roy. “Fine because she said so we will leave tomorrow.”
“Your girlfriend has only been here for two days and she’s already whipped you!” Laughed Roy.
He started to fuming with anger. “It’s not called whipped it’s called putting others needs before yours. I care more about her than myself, I will always put her before me.”
“Wow it sounds like you are seriously with her Ed.”
“It’s because I am!” Shouted Ed as he stormed off.
“Oh well then….”
Ed carried you back to the room, he shut the door placed you on the couch, laid his head in your lap and started to cry. “I-I thought I w-was going to l-lose you (Y/N). That would’ve been just my shitty luck I get an amazing girlfriend and I lose her  the same day.”
“Awe Ed.” You ran your fingers through his soft blonde hair and smiled at him. “You can’t take me down that easily!” You chuckled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.  He moved his head and kissed you on the lips.
Ed broke the kiss and sat up to pull you into his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and kissed you all over your face causing you to giggle uncontrollably. “That’s the beautiful smile I love to see.” He squeezed you tighter.
“Ed you squeeze me any more you’ll pop me!” You laughed. “Speaking of which I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Ummm okay.” Ed picked you up and brought you to the bathroom. He looked at you confused. “Ummm how do we do this?”
“Well I can stand on my leg but I need help unbuttoning my pants and um p-pulling them down.” You replied as you blushed.
“Ummmm okay then here we go.” He grabbed your belt buckle and helped you undo it. Then he fumbled to get your pants unbuttoned. He turned as red as a tomato when he unzipped your pants and pulled them down. Ed started to sweat and looked up blushing more and more as he pulled your pants down. He kept his eyes off of you as he helped you onto the toilet. He turned around so you could have some privacy. You finished and he quickly helped you get your pants back on.
Ed picked you up and brought you back to the room. He started a fire in the fireplace. “Ohhhhh that’s feels so good!” You said as you snuggled into Ed. “Nice warm fire on a shitty day.”
“Yea this is nice.” He pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head. The two of you sat in the dark for a while just enjoying the silence and company.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” You asked.
“It’s Riza can I come in?” Replied the voice.
“Yea come on in.” Said Ed.
Riza came in. “I brought you two dinner Roy told me what happened to you (Y/N). I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you for bringing us dinner Riza.” You said.
“Oh it’s no problem at all. I wanted to see how you were doing.” She set the dinner on the table. “Lets eat!”
Ed picked you up and brought you to the table. “Thank you for doing all of this for me Ed I’m sorry if I am a burden right now.” You smiled and kissed him.
“You’re not a burden at all (Y/N) I will always be here for you and protect you no matter what.” He said as he smiled at you.
The three of you sat down and enjoyed a yummy dinner. “Riza that was amazing thank you!” Exclaimed Ed.
“Yes thank you very much.” You replied.
“You’re both very welcome.” She replied. “So what’s the plan?”
“Ed and I obviously have to go back home to Resembool so Winry can fix my leg.” You said. “Oh man she's gonna kill me! This was special made automail.” You sighed and hung your head. “I guess you should prepare my funeral.” You chuckled.
Ed glomped you. “Nooooo I’ll fight her if she tries anything.” He laughed. You smiled at Ed and kissed his cheek.
“So you two are obviously together . Tell me (Y/N) did you join the military to protect the one you love?”
You smiled and nodded your head. “Yes in a way I did actually. I had these unexplained feelings for him when he left for the military it left a void that nothing but Ed could fill. It was then I realized I was in love with him. I trained so hard everyday to become stronger. It took me longer than expected but I did it and now I am here, I couldn’t be happier! I’ll do anything to help Ed and keep him safe. Together we are unstoppable.”
Ed smiled at you. “Yes we make a great team!”
“Well I’m very glad for the two of you.” Said Riza. “I can see you two accomplishing great things.”
The three of you chatted for a long time.
You looked at your pocket watch. “Oh my goodness it’s that late already!? Ed we need to get to bed if we are catching the first train out of here.” You looked to Riza. “I’m sorry Riza but we need to get to sleep I hate to kick you out.”
“Oh no don’t worry about it. You both get rest and hurry back here.” She got up to leave. “You allnhave a good night.”
“You too Riza!” You said in unison.
Ed helped you get ready for bed, he carried you over to the bed and snuggled up next to you. You rolled over and faced him. “I can’t believe this is happening.” You smiled at Ed and ran your fingers through his hair.
“What’s happening?” Ed asked looking confused.
You gave him the ‘are you serious’ look. “Seriously Ed? Are you that thick headed. I’m talking about you and me dummy. It kinda all happened so fast I was blindsided. Is this what you really want Ed? Do you really have feelings like I do for you?”
Ed pulled you in closer to him. “Of course I do (Y/N). I have known you my entire life my family took you and your sister in when your parents died. You have always been there for me when my mother died you were the first person there to comfort me. When I tried to bring her back you carried me to Pinako’s house you were terrified of what was going to happen, but you were still there by my side. I too also had unexplained feelings for you. I realized one day when Al and I were arguing over who would marry you or Winry I almost got into a fist fight over you with him.” He laughed. “Remember that Al?”
“Yes I do.” Al laughed. “You got so mad when I drew her name it was really funny.”
You giggled and kissed his cheek. “It was in that moment that I knew I loved you, but I had no idea how to even tell you.”
“Neither did I…. I guess fate did it for us. I was trying so hard to give you hints but I guess you’re a bit blind.” You giggled again.
“Hey now that’s not true! I picked up on them I just didn’t know how to react. Fifteen year old boy who doesn’t know a damn thing about relationships.” He laughed and pointed at himself.
“Silly Ed.” You kissed his nose and made him blush. You kissed his lips. “Okay handsome it’s time for bed. “Goodnight Al!” You said.
“Goodnight (Y/N) Goodnight brother. “ Replied Al.
“Goodnight Al.”
Ed kissed you again, you snuggled into his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Yay for late night updates! Lmao here's the long awaited chapter 5! Damn you got messed up by Scar! Next chapter Winry is gonna get jealous haha!

Til then!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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