Chapter 4

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You woke up the next morning and Ed was sound asleep his head was on your chest, your arms were wrapped around him tightly. You smiled and kissed the top of his head. “God damn it this isn’t fair! I love him so much and I want to be with him more than anything…. Does he even feel the same though?” You thought to yourself and let out a sigh.
Ed twitched and started to wake up. He woke up and noticed he was laying on your chest. He fell out of bed his cheeks were bright red.
You looked down at him with confusion. “Are you okay? Why did you fall out of bed?” You reached your arm down and helped Ed up.
“I-I’m good I’m good!” Ed chuckled nervously.

Ed's POV:
“Jeez Ed what the hell is up with you these past two days?” I think to myself. “Ever since (Y/N) has come around I feel like a buffoon. I can’t stop looking at her, thinking about her and all I want to do is protect her. I mean I know she doesn’t need it she can kick anyone’s ass but I have this urge to…. And I…. I…. Want to kiss her…. So fucking bad…. Am I…. Am I…. In l-love with her!? What the hell Ed!? I never act this way with a girl not even with Winry…. But with (Y/N) she just makes me so happy…. She’s so much like me…. Ugh….”

Third person POV
You looked at Ed as he was thinking, you giggled because he was making some strange faces. You poked his nose and broke his thoughts. “You good there Ed? You’re making some weird faces.” You giggled and stuck your tongue out.
He blinked a few times and stared at you. His face was as red as his coat. “Y-yea I’m fine (Y/N).”

Al's POV
“Boy you could cut the tension with a knife!” I think to myself. “Am I the only one who sees that Ed and (Y/N) are crazy for each other? The two of them are so thick headed they don’t even see or maybe they don’t know what to do.” I sigh. “This is going be a long journey if they keep up like this….”
“Oh man what am I going to do?” I mumble to myself.
Third person POV
You got out of bed. “So what’s the plan for today?” You asked.
“Hmmmm I don’t know what do you wanna do?” Replied Ed.
You smirked. “I wanna have a sparring match with you!”
Ed raised an eyebrow. “Oh really now?”
You nodded your head. “Yes I do! With Scar in the city we need to train as much as possible. Plus I still wanna beat you and I think I finally can!”
Ed laughed. “Well okay then (Y/N) if you really think you can lets do it!”
You hopped up and down all excited. “Excellent lets go get breakfast and some stuff for lunch. We will go back to where we were yesterday.” You quickly got dressed. “Alrighty lets go!”
The three of you headed out, got breakfast and things to make for lunch.  You made your way back to the lake you all were at yesterday.
Both you and Ed stretched to get ready for your sparring match.
“I’m finally gonna beat you!” You said with a smirk.
“Oh yea? What makes you so confident that you will?” Replied Ed.
“Winry made me a special Automail since I’m so small. Its very light so I am able to move faster. Since I’m a fighter she wanted to make sure it didn’t slow me down. But its heavy enough that I still gain muscle so I can become stronger.” You took off your coat and flexed your muscles, showing that you had decent muscles for a small girl.
“Damn you got some good muscle tone for such a little thing.” Ed replied.
You smirked. “While you were away I trained everyday to become stronger so I could join the military. You know you’re the only one I’ll allow to call me small or short anyone else who dares to call me small would be breathing out their ass ” You said as you finished up your stretches. You started to hop back and forth while you punched the air. “You ready Ed? First one to pin the other down for five seconds wins!”
“Oh I’m ready! The question is are you ready!? Huh?”
Ed jumped back as you lunged at him, you stepped back and launched forward and managed to graze Ed’s cheek.  You smirked and jumped forward. Ed ducked down and tried to kick your feet out from under you but you barely dodged it, you started to lose your footing but easily recovered as you did a backwards flip to regain your footing. Ed smirked and saw an opening as you recovered. As Ed came at you, you ducked down and kicked his feet out from below him but you weren’t able to pin him down he blocked you as you came at him and pushed you away so he could recover.
“Damn you weren’t joking (Y/N) you’re so fast its unbelievable!” Said Ed as he came at you but you easily dodged him again. “You may in fact beat me!”
You smiled and launched at Ed again this time grabbing onto his shoulders and flipping over him.
“Hmph show off!” Snorted Ed. “Now you’re just trying to be fancy!”
You laughed and stuck out your tongue as you flipped over him. Ed grabbed your wrists and stopped you mid flip but you kept your grip on his shoulders and did a hand stand. You smirked again and continued your flip and brought Ed down with you, but once again were unable to pin him down. You got up quickly before Ed had time to recover and were able to pin him down.
“One, two, three, four and five!” Shouted Al.
“Ha! I WIN!” You shouted as you straddled Ed. “Finally I beat you!” You got all excited.
“Damn good job (Y/N) after all this time you finally won.” He smiled at you. “Hey.” Ed started as he looked at a necklace of yours that had the alchemists cross. “Is that the charm I gave you before I left for the military? I thought I made you a bracelet?”
You looked down at the necklace. “Why yes it is! I put it on a necklace because it broke on me a few times and I didn’t wanna lose it. It’s very special to me because you made it.”
Ed smiled at you and blushed slightly. “I’m glad it means so much to you. I still have the one you made me.” Ed pulled out a necklace that had the military’s lion on it. “I never take it off.”
“Good I’m glad!” You smiled back at Ed.
You continued to stare deep into Ed’s beautiful golden eyes and started to blush. “I wanna kiss him so bad!” You thought to yourself. “This isn’t fair.” You mumbled.
“What isn’t fair?” Asked Ed.
You sighed. “N-nothing.” You hid your face because you were blushing. You got off of Ed and helped him up. “Well that was fun! Wanna go again this time use our alchemy?”
“Yea sure! Let’s do it!”
You clapped your hands together and created a stone arena. “Okay rules of this match first person to knock the other out of the arena wins!” You clapped your hands again and stood on top of a giant hand.
“Boy you surely like that giant hand don’t you (Y/N)?”
You laughed. “It’s the most convenient and it’s a very powerful move. I love it! This giant hand has saved my ass so many times.”
Ed clapped his hands together and rose up on a platform. “So you think you can beat me at this too?” He asked.
“You bet your ass I can!” You replied confidently. “Okay alchemy will be used for farther away attacks close up we can use our automail blades and hand to hand combat! Sound good Ed?”
He nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
You clapped your hands and knelt down creating giant stone spikes that launched at Edward. He clapped his hands and created a dome protecting him. A huge plume of dust covered the arena and out came Ed as he launched himself towards you.
You clapped your hands and drew your automail blade. Sparks flew as Ed and your blades clashed. He came at you with such force he almost knocked you out of the ring but he didn’t you kept your footing and pushed him back.
“You’re not gonna get me that easy!” You shouted to Ed as he disappeared back into the dust. “Hmmmm where did he go?” You clapped your hands  and knelt down. You closed your eyes so you could listen for him. “There!” You opened your eyes and jumped into the dust. You clapped your hands again as you descended on Ed and trapped him in a dome. “Ha I got- huh? No he got out!?” You looked down as Ed’s hands came out of the ground and grabbed your ankles. Ed came up out of the ground and now you were sitting on his shoulders. “Well this is an odd turn of events.” You said as you looked down at Ed. You managed to get off of Ed’s shoulders and were back on the ground. “Well you’ve clearly learned some new tricks Ed. I’m impressed!”
He smirked. “So haven’t you! You’re so strong now I can’t believe how powerful you are (Y/N)! You’re just as strong as me now.”
Meanwhile back in Central calls were coming in fast about Ed and yours battle. People thought the city was under attack.
“Yes, yes we know there is a fight out in the woods. We have sent in Major Armstrong to see what’s going on. No we aren’t sure what it is but its not coming towards the city.” Said a soldier that answered the phone.
Back out in the woods you and Ed were going hard. Suddenly a third force was thrown in and pushed the two of you out of the arena.
“What’s all this now!” Said Armstrong in a booming voice.
“Huh? Major Armstrong, what are you doing here?” You asked.
“You’re training is gaining a lot of attention. Calls are coming into Central Command like wild fire. I was sent out to see what was going on.” He flexed his muscles as sparkles floated around his head. “Can I join in your training? I could use a good fight!”
You and Ed looked at each other. “Uhhhhh.” You said in unison.
Ed placed his arm around you and you both turned away. “What do you say (Y/N)?”
You shook your head. “Nope that is a fight we can’t beat even if we join forces and take him on together.”
You both turned back to Armstrong.
“Oh um not today Major we were just about done with our training for the day anyways.” Said Ed.
“Yeah I think we have done enough damage to this arena plus you just beat the both of us by pushing us out of the ring!” You clapped your hands together and turned the forest back to normal. “Time to reset it to the way it was!”
Ed looked at you astonished. “(Y/N) what in the world was that?”
“Pretty cool huh? I figured out how to return the land back to the way it was before alchemy changed it.” You stated. “You obviously know that you deconstruct to reconstruct in alchemy. One day I took it a step further and reconstructed what I deconstructed and I realized that if you take that extra step you can return whatever you changed with alchemy back to what it was before.”
“Wow (Y/N) you’re a genius! That’s amazing!” Stated Ed.
“Yes indeed Miss (L/N) that’s an amazing discovery!” Stated Armstrong. “Well I have to report back to Central and tell them is was just the two of you fighting. Have a good day!”
“You too Major!” The three of you said in unison.
“So now what (Y/N)?” Asked Ed.
You started to take off your top.
“Ummmmmm (Y/N) what are you doing?” Replied Ed as he turned red as a tomato.
“Huh?” You took your top off and revealed a strapless bikini top. “It’s sooooo hot out I wanna go swimming!” You replied as you took your pants off.  “Come on lets go!”
Ed stood there as he stared at your gorgeous body. “Uh s-sure lets go!” Replied Ed as he stripped down to his boxers and chased you to the lake. “I’m gonna get you!” He jumped on you and started to tickle you.
“HEY! That’s not fairrrrrrr!” You giggled and tried to squirm away. “Nooooo stop tickling me!”
Ed didn’t stop though. “Nope I’ve captured you mwhahaha!” He grabbed your waist and hugged you. “Now you’re mine!”
“Promise?” You smiled at him.
He nodded and blushed. “Yes I promise. Wait what did I just do!?”
You laughed. “That’s still for me to know and you to find out.” You stuck out your tongue. “You’ll understand someday.”
Ed looked at you confused. “Is she trying to tell me something here? Does she have feelings for me like I do for her?” Ed thought to himself. “It certainly feels like that.” Ed mumbled to himself.
“What feels like what?” You asked Ed.
“Huh? O-oh it’s nothing. Just talking to myself.” Ed replied as he turned as red as his coat.
You raised an eyebrow. “Now that’s not fair! You gotta tell me!” You said in protest.
“Hey it’s totally fair! You do it to me all the time!” He replied and stuck out his tongue. “Unless you tell me what you’re thinking up in that pretty head of yours I’m not telling you anything!”
“Oh yea?” You tackled him to the ground. “Tell me or I’m gonna lick you!”
“What are we five now? Really you’re gonna lick me?”
You got an inch away from his face. “Don’t tempt me!”
Ed started to sweat. “God damnit this is the perfect opportunity! What do I do? What do I do!” He thought in panic to himself.
You grabbed Ed’s hands to keep him pinned down. “God can I give him any more hints! Is he that fucking thick headed!?” You thought to yourself.
Ed tried to break free of your grip, in the process you lost your balance and ended up kissing Ed on accident. But neither of you pulled away instead Ed got his hands free and pulled you in closer to him.
“FINALLY!” Shouted Al.
You broke the kiss. “What does that mean?” You asked Al.
“The tension between you two these past few days has been ridiculous! I could read it all over both of your faces how much you two wanted the other! I’m just glad something finally happened!”
“Wait it was that obvious!?” Said Ed.
“I blind person could see it that’s how obvious it was!” Al replied.
Ed looked at you. “Is he right (Y/N)? Do you like me the way I like you?”
You were as red as Ed’s coat and nodded your head. “He hit the nail right on the head…. I’m in love with you Edward Elric!” You turned even redder as those words escaped your lips.

Mwhahaha I know I stopped the chapter at the best part! I guess you'll just have to wait til next time!

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