Chaptor 3

78 5 1


   What a waste of three hours. After my mom finally made her appearance and filled out the necessary forms, I had to wait for them to get my schedule sorted. I missed the first three periods of the day. But I finally had my schedule and was shown to the cafeteria by a very sweet girl who worked in the office as an aid.

  I picked a protein packed lunch today. I was getting to tryout for the school's soccer team since I finally started school at the beginning of the year like a normal person.

  I found an empty table in the back of the crowded lunch room. When eating lunch I preferred privacy. I liked being by myself for two reasons 1. I liked my own company, my own thoughts, it was easier to plan and focus that way and 2. I felt like it made me look strong. I was not the new kid desperately looking for a click, I was Ms. Independent in my book.

   Plopping down I decided to study my new schedule. I was in the advanced courses. Even jumping from school to school never deterred my determination for good grades. I was going to succeed in life!

English AP
Chemistry AP
Spanish AP
Algebra II AP
World History AP
Girls Athletics

   The only class that made me want to groan was, algebra. It was honestly my hardest subject.

   Returning my schedule to my bag I noticed a shadow fall on my table. I looked up quickly to find Mr. Bedhead smiling at me.

  I tried to remember his name for a moment but all I could remember was my rude comment.
“ Hi, is it okay if we sit with you ? Its my sisters first day and it seems quiet over here” he asked.
I glanced at his shadows and noticed they grinned at each other quickly, weird. “ Sure”.
“Thank you..... Natalie right” bedhead asked with a perfect smile.
“Um yeah sorry whats your name again?” I asked cringing.
“ Ryan, and these are my sisters Lacy and Stacy” he said while beaming at them.
Ryan sat down across from me while the girls sat across from each other. They began to have their own private conversation with their hands and I quickly realized the hearing aids on the girls.

Ryan began the “new kid quiz”.

“So are you new to town?”

No, been here for two years we move around a bunch


No, just what my mom likes to do

“ How old are you?”


“Me too. Turn 18 in a month though. How about you?”

October 14 I turn 18

  For the rest of the lunch period he fired questions at me that I was so used to repeating I felt like a robot. Finally he asked how I was liking the school so far.
I paused and actually looked up at him to answer.
“ Its just another building”, I said.
He frowned for a moment and finally the bell rang marking the end of this lunch period.

  I smiled and said “nice meeting you” and made my escape. I was so happy to be free of questions that I was walking without paying attention.

  After two minutes of mindless conversations with myself I realized I was lost in this stupid school. I checked my schedule and realized I needed to find the stupid Algebra class. “UGH”.

  I was so mad at myself for being wrapped up in my own thoughts to do something this dumb. Luckily for me, I made it moments after the bell rang again signaling the start of class.

  The teacher gave me a questioning look, so I showed him my schedule and muttered my apologies.
“oh okay you are a new student. That is great go have a seat at that table across from Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson raise your hand for Ms......Marshall” he ordered while glancing at my schedule again to confirm my name.

   I spotted a hand in the air and walked down the aisle in the middle of class. I went to place my bag on the back on the chair when I realized Mr. Wilson was none other than bedhead with a smile. I can't get rid of this guy apparently.

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