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Derek's House (Georgia, Atlanta)

Two Days After Derek Was Fired.

Derek is inside his over-budget house, all the lights are turned off, making the environment in intense darkness. There is no light coming from the windows with closed curtains, considering the sun is near its end, as the distant sunlight is incapable of reaching the previous scientist's job. The only distinct light in the room is coming from the television's blue screen light, as it flashes from one place to another, involved in a severe action sequence in the movie. 

Derek steps out of the bathroom on the first floor, and into the narrow hallway, to enter into his living room. Derek's careless untidy hair flops up and down every time he steps. Derek is wearing a dark green cotton dressing gown long enough to almost touch the wooden planks. It is almost like he is acting as if he just go out of bed, which he didn't, he just hasn't done anything today. 

Derek's face is on a constant thoughtless frown, he has no reason to use his face, no person to use it for, his face his pointless, there is no reason for him. He has nothing to do, nowhere to go. No motivation. No silver-lining. So, he watches television. 

If you didn't know him before this, you would judge him to be a drunk, lazy man. One who cares about nothing except himself, and his entertainment. But, that is not who he is, he is only playing that part. Details matter. 

Derek steps into his obscure bedraggled living room from the hallway, there is a grey wide chest of drawers beside him as he enters the living room, which he stops at. On the drawer chest, there is his tall glass of beer laying, which Derek aggressively snatches. Derek faintly glances at two unused cigarettes, and some framed photos on the surface on the desk that was beside the beer. The photos hold the most special people in his life, his ex-wife and daughter, with himself also in the photo. He ponders over the framed picture, and their existence. He hates his life now. 

His constant question for his further steps for his future life is avoided by Derek's zero motivation to continue. But, if he had motivation, he knows that question would be; what job next? For his continuous intent to drown himself in work uses as a defense mechanism to question the real important aspects of his life, which are failed. 

He stands there, thinking how pleasant it would be to have them again, but how amusing it is to him to believe he has the chance. As he does this, he lifts the barbaric beer glass towards his mouth, and takes plenty of large gulps. This, of course, temporarily makes him feel better, satisfying himself to the slightest, which is the best he's got. 

Derek normally walks towards his lackadaisical couch and throws his back against it, leaning his entire body weight on the poor sofa. Derek sits there in the dusk light in the room, on the couch, lonely and miserable. The only things he has focused on throughout these two days, are the insignificant television movie scenes, or the bottom of the empty beer glass that he can't wait to fill again, and drink all again. 

Derek suddenly receives a wave of boredom at what he is witnessing on the television, from this, he responds to grab the remote, and change the channels to find something more interesting that can take his attention away from the imperative chattels of life. A certain channel manages to extract his attention and interest, but not from the general subject of the channel, but from the picture of a younger version of, Mr. Draegon, his former boss, imported on this time's news. 

Mr. Draegon's fame, critically originated from his parent's involvement with Randolph Scott, an actor in the 80s, his father was a friend of his and managed to asked to help with some of his films. But, Mr. Draegon had another plan for his life rather than following his father's work-style. He decided to make a name for himself, and he managed to form businesses for the sick, as he helped with CDC, and firstly, attempted to become a military soldier, hoping to reach to high ranks, but that dream was broken within three months, as he somehow became connected with the military, government, and CDC. After all this, he built his name, and appearance, to become one of the big men, he worked giantly for the government, being involved in a vast amount of projects, mostly scientific. And, one, being corrupt. 

Derek points his sinking eyes into the picture of Mr. Draegon's eyes, staring at each other. Derek hates him, he hates him. He wants to do something to hurt Mr. Draegon, show him false for what he did, while proving Derek's overall point. Derek wants to do something, he HAS to do something. He has to take action. His animosity against Mr. Draegon is his motivation. He has to change what he usually does. He needs to take action. He needs to be an action man. He needs to have his revenge.

He wants to prove he was not crazy about what he discovered. He wants to prove that what he said was true. He wants to show the world who Mr. Draegon, really is. Mr. Draegon's venomous face encourages Derek's determination to do what he really needs to do in life, to keep going. 

To-Do Something. 

Derek, leaves, to-do something. 

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