1.1.3 (28)

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Rowlands Pharmacy

Claire has presently arrived at the planned shop she drove to, to purchase the salbutamol medicine for the inhaler that her current struggling daughter needs. The pharmacy is called; Rowlands Pharmacy. 

She drove past some intoxicated pedestrians across the path, and some other cars that are unusually out at this time of night. The street lamps are turned on, brightly shining onto the same bridge Bart walked over toward his school. 

Claire hurriedly parks the car into the car park, without actually caring about parking the car, she goes over the lines after heading towards an area with lots of space, which is almost everywhere considering the time. 

She instantaneously jumps out of the car without locking it, and sprints rapidly into the entrance of the shop in worry. Now, rushing speedily through all the aisles, obnoxiously searching for the required medicine. She's already zoomed, and concentrated on the items, through three aisles, without finding the desired essential.

At the fourth aisle, she fundamentally scans through all the items along each side, using her fast, forcefully awaken eyes, to find the medicine. The shop is open '24/7' as said above the show, included in the name. 

Thankfully, Claire finally spots the salbutamol in her fourth try, after just thinking about asking an employee for directions, she gets a rush of completion and adrenaline to continue her mission. Over the reasonable stream of pressure, it partly releases from the fortunate success. 

She picks up the medicine, and accidentally glances to the left, the opposite way she came in, where there is; red dripped blood on the floor of the shop, literally blood, as if someone has been stabbed. 

The sight of the blood frightens Claire, making her jump, but calms her external movement to the down low, but increases her internal heartbeat from the new problem. The blood doesn't just stop where she first saw it, it leads on toward the centre, with increased amounts of blood outtake. Although, the trail turns a corner from the aisle, formulating Claire to feel as much to check it out, under these circumstances. 

Her original gigantic volume of worry escalates into a deeper worry from this sign of danger. Feasible questions consume her brain, whether it was serious or not. There must be a logical and rational explanation for this. But, Claire must be sure. She wants to be as fast as possible. But another part of her wants to follow the flood to see the source. 

It was a hard decision; but she decides to find the source. She believes it won't be long at all, and that she will be done as soon as she turns the corner, causing the logical explanation. It won't waste any valuable time, she thinks. 

Claire, holding the originated reasoned medicine, goes to follow the escaped blood from someone's body, she walks beside it, being sure to not touch it. She reaches near the turned corner, not seeing anything yet, she turns the corner gracefully. 

Claire, as she walks, hears only silence. There is literally no sound in the shop, literally nothing. But also, she realises, she hasn't seen anyone else in the shop. It's like everyone either left, or wasn't here from the start. All she knows is in her area, she is alone. 

She enters the middle area, providing the change of direction between aisles. Her feet and eyes still ensuing the blood. The blood hasn't ended yet, it's still going. She notices differences in the blood, like a shoe wiped over it.

The blood tells it to go into a new contained aisle, which she walks into, head down, facing the red. She's close to the 'only employee staff' room, where they store all the products. The blood awkwardly travels into the staff room, but, the doors are already open, for an unknown reason. 

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