Chapter 3

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"You can wait here. I will grab the things that you need. I shouldn't be very long. Ocean, come with me. Meg is working,"Ignus rolls his eyes and Ocean smirks. There is definitely some internalized story here I have no clue about, so I don't pry. Before he leaves, Ignus motions me to sit down in the leather black chairs that are a few feet away. Ocean follows behind him, shooting me an amused look.

We have just entered a big building made of brick, but the brick is black. It's interior has many steel and glass items. It looks sharp, just like everything else so far in Crepidine. If I had to guess what Ocean's house looked like, this would be it. The windows are huge and there is one wall that is just a big window. It reminds me of the one at Lola's house. Through the window, I can see more buildings that look similar to this one. We must be in the governmental part of Crepidine because on the way over it seemed that every couple of feet had a man in a suit. The room has an eerie feeling to it. I don't know it is because I'm weary if everything is real or if my senses are correct and it just doesn't feel quite right.

I take a small examination around the room. There are three other desks on the other side of the room, identical to the ones on my side of the room. Behind the desks are giant screens. Each screen has a worker standing next to it while people use it. It must be for security. I watch as someone across the room hands one of the workers a ticket, she scans it on her device, and hands it back. The workers look pretty in line with routine, not dropping their monotone facial expression for a second. There is no sense of emotion worn on any of their faces. I turn to look across from me where there are more waiting chairs. There are two people waiting in them. No one else is on my side. The people look like they are my age. They must be new to Crepidine as well.

There are two boys sitting four chairs apart, not seeming to be bothered with one another. One is looking around like me and the other one has zoned in on me looking at him. Well, we are off to an awkward start here. He doesn't smile or change expressions when we make eye contact, he just holds it. He looks like he could be one of these workers at the screens with the solidified look he wears on his face. He has dark brown hair that is brought out in his baby blue dress shirt. He wears black jeans and blue sneakers to match the shirt. I resign from my gaze and when I look back a few seconds later, he is still staring. His once stone cold expression now has raised eyebrows. I'm too far away to see if there is a smile playing on his lips. I can't remember the last time I've spoken to a boy that wasn't my brother. It honestly probably hasn't been since school ended a month ago. I haven't really talked to anyone for that matter besides Lola and the locals from school that come to buy our bowls and cups. We also sold house decorations because it is my dad's hobby to carve, but nobody ever bought them. After the second time I avert my gaze, I see that he has finally let it go as well. He let it go because he is currently walking over to me. I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk to anyone. That is not the question truly on my mind though. The real question is whether I am capable of words. This morning with Ocean wasn't off to a very good start, but I also made a small vow to myself that I would try to creep out of my awkward skin and become more outgoing. There is no time left to prepare it because he is now standing about two feet in front of me.

"Hi,"A smirk plays on his lips as he looks down at me.

"Hi,"I match his tone. At least that was my plan.

"Are you new too?"He asks as he looks around,"To Crepidine."

"Yup. I'm from Intulia,"I find proper words.

He makes a motion and a sound as if a spark hit his arm and burned him,"Oh. I better get going then,"He gives me what I think is a teasing look and a fake pivot. I let out a small laugh.

"Monstrat?"I don't guess.

"Of course. I'm definitely not from boring Intulia,"He pokes his fun. I can't even argue with him. Intulia is a pretty boring place. I've always wondered where I belonged in everyday life. I see that he is waiting for me to probably insult Monstrat back, but I don't. I've never truly dabbled in territory rivalry, so I don't have strong opinions.

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