Chapter 6

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We all surround the screen that sits in front of the table of food and drinks as Landon helps guide Arizona while she steps over the puddles of fear. My eyes can't help but wander off the fruits that sit in front of me. I am desperately hoping that it is real and that we get to eat some of it. I am not going to say they aren't trying to kill us, because I'm still weary on that, but I don't think poison would be the way to do it when they have the ability to spawn gigantic spiders and random rooms. I think poison would be one of the last ways they would plan to kill us. Or maybe that is the plan of surprise.The only contradicting thought is that the spider didn't attack, it allowed Landon to grab the golden straw. I guess standing there while it descended was good enough for them. I don't know why a fear test is how they determine if we are worthy to be part of a selective group of individuals. There's some sort of power that must be involved to show how far we are willing to go. The thought makes me wonder if I even want to go to Electa. Does my family get to go too? What makes it so different and "better" than Crepidine?

Once Arizona is finally at the table, Soren presses the button and the audio begins to play from the device,"Yes. The food is for you,"The message is short but fulfilling. Just what we needed to hear. However, the idea of food being in a room with puddles of blood isn't exactly appealing. Like last time, the square and thumb animation appears as Arizona's name appears in the black letters. She presses her thumb to the box and an image of a barrel pops up alongside some text.

Hello Arizona. This is your golden straw moment. Feel free to indulge. Good luck.

At the other end of the room sits a barrel of what we all assume to be blood. The golden straw must be at the bottom of it. I would never want to touch these straws. Spider goo and slathered in blood. Everyone kind of just stands and looks around, unsure of what to really do right now.

"So, we eat. Then you can do your straw?"Dakari Questions more than suggests.

"I guess so,"Arizona shrugs with an unpleasant look worn on her face.

"I'm gonna be honest. I miss the other voice,"Maverick jokes as he grabs a plate for grapes. Filled with tension, we all kind of laugh. In the moment, I never wanted to punch someone more in my life, but right now the relief and food is exactly what we need. I immediately grab water from the edge of the table and Winnie follows my lead. I feel like I haven't talked to anyone in hours. Honestly, we haven't even been here for many hours yet, it just feels like we've been on this fear path for days. I grab a roll from the other side of the table and some carrots with that dip my brother gave me on my salad the other night. I also grab an apple and some sort of mixture of nuts that is in a little packet. I'm not used to eating a lot so I don't want to overwhelm my body with one meal but I don't know the next time we will get to eat. Feeling my tongue in my mouth, I grab a second water from off the table. I see that the edge of the room is set up from plastic chairs so I find an empty one in the corner and go and sit. When I sit down I notice that someone has followed me over here.

"Why the corner?"I hear Graham's voice tease.

"I like corners,"I shrug with a smile as he sits down.

"You weren't in the corner this morning,"Graham points out.

"To be fair, I'm not responsible for many of my actions this morning,"I joke.

"Even talking to me?"He raises his eyebrows as he breaks apart a roll.

"Okay, maybe that one,"I nod.

"So, what's your biggest fear?"Graham's mood suddenly shifts.

"That's the scary thing. I don't know,"I shrug.

"Maybe your biggest fear is uncertainty,"He shrugs.

"How do I get a golden straw for that?"I raise my eyebrows.

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