Chapter 5 - Come Back To Me!

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Charlotte's P.O.V.

It's already been a week since Paul broke up with me. I wouldn't talk to anyone, not even my family, Julie, or Lola. Besides, Paul was my first love, and the breakup had a really huge impact on me when he just walked off and left me stranded.

No matter how many times I tried to tell Paul what happened, he never gave me a chance to explain my side of the situation. I even tried calling him, but he wouldn't pick up. In fact, he hasn't been answering any of my calls. I guess he really hates me now. But I still love him no matter what.

One day, I sat on the front step of my house to collect my thoughts. I tried to take my mind off of Paul, but I can't. I don't wanna stop thinking about Paul! I want him back! I suddenly realized that on the night he gave me the promise ring, I asked him to promise me to always have my back no matter what happens. He broke his promise! When I tried to explain what happened, he wouldn't listen. That's not what I call having my back.

Suddenly, I heard a noise that snapped me out of my thoughts. When I looked to see what it was, my heart melted.

"Oh my gosh! Aren't you the cutest thing!" I said with a smile

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"Oh my gosh! Aren't you the cutest thing!" I said with a smile. An orange tabby cat walked up to me. It meows as it comes closer. To my surprise, it started cuddling against my leg. Usually I wouldn't take stray animals in, but I really needed a friend. I lifted the kitten's tail to see if it was a boy or girl. It turns out to be a girl. "I think I'll name you Pumpkin." I said. The cat, whose name is now Pumpkin, starts to purr. "We're gonna be best friends, I know it!" I said. Pumpkin meows in response as she puts her paw on my hand.

Paul's P.O.V.

After breaking up with Charlotte, I've spent the past week shutting myself out in my room and crying a river. Even when my bandmates tried to come over and visit me, I told them to scram. Anyway, I picked up the photo album that Charlotte gave me for my birthday and flipped through the pictures. After closing the album, I held the book against my chest tightly and cried some more.

"Oh, Charlotte! Why?" I said sadly. Charlotte was the only girl I ever loved, and now she goes out of her way and cheats on me behind my back! I need some air. So I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I really don't feel like running into my cheater of an ex-girlfriend though, but I need to take my mind off of things.

Charlotte's P.O.V.

I thought about taking a walk and having Pumpkin to keep me company. Usually cats don't go out with their owners, but I needed someone to talk to during the crisis I'm going through. The first thing I did was stop at the pet store to buy some cat food and treats for Pumpkin. I even bought her a bed to sleep on and a ball of yarn for her to play with. After getting home from my walk, I put the cat bed and yarn in my room, the cat food and treats in the kitchen, along with the bowl I bought, and poured some food into the bowl since Pumpkin was probably hungry.

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