Chapter 6 - Forgiveness

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Paul's P.O.V.

A few days later, my mind wandered back to my run in with Charlotte. It took me a while to believe her story of what happened on our anniversary, but I'm officially convinced that it's true. I feel really bad about overreacting and dumping the girl who stayed loyal to the man she loves. It's about time I man up and take her back, but most importantly, forgive her.

The first thing I'm gonna do is march right up to her house, knock on the door, and tell my girlfriend I'm ready to forgive her and fix our relationship! Starting right now!

Charlotte's P.O.V.

Julie and Lola came over to see Pumpkin. The minute they saw her, she loved them in an instant. We spent a little time petting her. "Where did you find her?" Asked Lola. "I didn't necessarily find her. She came up to me one day when I was outside trying to clear my head." I said. "Aww, she knew you needed a friend!" Said Julie. "Yeah. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you two for a week. I just needed some time to cool down after Paul broke up with me." I said.

The girls put their hands on my back. "We're not mad at you. You needed your space, and that's understandable." Julie said. "Yeah. I'd need some space if I was upset as well." Lola said.

There's a knock at the door. "Would you two watch Pumpkin? I'll be right back." I said. The girls nod as I get the door. Once I opened it, there was Paul. "Hello, Charlotte." He said. I stepped outside and closed the door. "Can I help you?" I asked. "I just wanna talk." Said Paul. "Then, talk!" I said.

Paul takes a deep breath before talking. "I've decided to forgive you, and I'm ready to take you back." He said. My eyes widen and I smiled bigger than ever. "Really?!" I asked excitedly. "Yes. And to prove it, I've got a song for you." Paul said. He had his guitar case with him and pulls out his guitar. He tunes it before starting to sing.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her, too
I love her

She gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Paul's soothing voice brought me to tears. He puts his guitar away and holds his arms out for me. I wrapped him into a hug as tears fall from my eyes.

"I knew you'd come around eventually!" I said. "I had to. It took me a while to finally consider going back to the girl I love, but now I understand that your story about what happened last week was true. And I promise to let you explain your side of a situation the next time something happens." Said Paul. We release from our hug, but we don't take our hands off each other. "Do you swear in your life?" I asked. "I swear in my life." Paul said. He kisses my forehead.

"I guess it's official! We're boyfriend and girlfriend again!" I said. "Actually, Char, about that." Said Paul as he got down on one knee and pulls out a tiny box. "Oh my..." I said feeling speechless. "Charlotte, it was wrong of me to leave you in the dust after the conflict we had. Now that I've taken you back, I can finally ask you this question." Paul said. He opens the box to reveal the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"Paul, I... I..." I stuttered. "Charlotte Nicole Hernandez, will you marry me?" Asked Paul. "Yes!!" I said. Paul takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger. He stands up and we share our first kiss in a week. Only this time, we're engaged! After we released, I caressed my fiancé's face.

"I better take care of Pumpkin." I said. "Who's Pumpkin?" Paul asked. "She's my cat. Would you like to meet her?" I asked. "You have a cat?" Asked Paul. "Yeah. I've had her for a few days now." I said. "Oh. I'd love to meet her." Paul said. "Come inside." I said.

Paul and I went back inside my house and Pumpkin walks up to us. We bend down to her level as she puts her paws on Paul's leg. "Hi, you must be Pumpkin." He said as he pets the cat. Pumpkin meows in response and nuzzles against Paul's hand. "She likes you already." I said. "It appears she does." Said Paul.

"Pumpkin, this is my fiancé, Paul McCartney." I said. "Darling, she's adorable! Where did you get her?" Paul asked. "She found me, actually." I said. "How?" Asked Paul. "It was not long after you left me. I was outside clearing my head, until she walked up to me. We became friends after I adopted her." I said. "Looks like you found someone to keep you company during your time of comfort. I was a major idiot when I ignored your pleas." Paul said as he hung his head.

I put a comforting hand on my fiancé's shoulder. "It's done and over with now, Paulie. There's nothing to worry about." I said. Paul nods at my words. Lola and Julie enter the room. "Looks like the happy couple is officially back together!" Said Julie. "Not only that, we're engaged!" I said excitedly. "Hooray!! Can we be your bridesmaids?!" Asked Lola excitedly. "Of course you can! You two are my best friends, after all." I said. "Yay!!" Lola and Julie cheer at the same time.

"So, Paul, what do you think of Pumpkin?" Julie asked. "She's cute. Very friendly too." Said Paul. "She loves people after all." I said. "Pumpkin is a cute cat. We're very glad she found you, Char." Lola said. "Me too. Even though she didn't know about me feeling lovesick at the time, she's a real friend. Aren't you, Pumpkin?" I said while petting Pumpkin and she's laying on her side. "So, Char, what are you gonna do now that you and Paul are back together?" Asked Julie.

Paul and I look at each other. "I think I'll have Paul join me in caring for Pumpkin." I said. "Ooh! Romantic partners caring for a pet! I like that!" Said Lola. "That's not a bad idea. Besides, I love animals." Paul said. "Good for you, Paul!" Lola said. "Yeah, very good!" Julie said.

The girls left a few moments later, leaving Paul and me with Pumpkin. She meows after I close the door. "Aww, are you hungry, girl?" I asked. Pumpkin meows again. "I think she is hungry." Said Paul. "And possibly thirsty. You fill her bowl with food, while I get the milk." I said. Paul nods as we prepare Pumpkin's meal. Paul looks frantically for the cat food. "Um, where do you keep the cat food?" He asked. "Top left cabinet. Her cat treats are in there too." I said.

Paul reaches in, grabs the cat food, and pours it into Pumpkin's bowl while I fill her other bowl with milk. "There! That should do it!" Paul said. "Come on, Pumpkin, your food's here!" I called. Pumpkin walks over and eats her food. She drinks her milk afterwards. After she finishes, she nuzzles into my leg then Paul's. "You really like your new home, don't you, Pumpkin?" Asked Paul. Pumpkin meows in response. "I'll take that as a yes." I said.

After giving Pumpkin a few more pets, I turned my attention to Paul. "I'm so glad you decided to take me back." I said. "I've learned my lesson on overreacting. It won't happen again." Paul said. I smile and pull my fiancé in for a kiss.

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