Chrismas Tree

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I look over at Toni. "What?" She smiles. "I'm happy we went on this trip." I walk over to her. She pulls me closer. "I needed this" I pull her into a kiss. "We both did." She kisses me back. She looks over to a slightly empty spot near the fire place. I kiss up and down  her neck. "Babe what?" I ask quietly. "We need a tree." She whispers. "We don't have ornaments." I say. "We can rap a ribbon around it." She whispers. "What?" I ask confused. "The roll that is made for people to put ribbons on presents and stuff." I smile. "And Candy canes." I suggest. She looks at me weirdly. "Nana and I used to do that, I would like to keep that tradition going." She smiles. "Let's go get a tree, and candy canes." She stands up. "You need to put a shirt on first." She looks down. "Can I wear a basketball jersey?" She ask quietly. "I don't care just wear a jacket so you don't freeze." She smiles. "Of course." Toni kisses me. "I love you." I kiss her back. "I love you too."

"No! That's ugly!" Toni says. "That's why we should get it." I insist. "No!" She shakes her head and puts it back. "I want to be able to look at the tree." She tells me. "Are we talking about the same thing?" She nods. "The tree is ugly." She whispers. "How about this one?" I pull another tree out. She thinks for a second. "I like it." She whispers. "Too bad. It's ugly." I put it back. "Ooh! Good one!" I laugh. "Oh!" She grabs another tree. "I like this one." She whispers. I nod. "I like it." She smiles. "Come on! Let's get this pain for and into the bed of the truck." She says picking it up. "When are you going to retire that truck?" I ask quietly as we pay for the tree. "I've been through so much with that truck! I can't get rid of her." She whispers. "Her?" Toni looks down. "Please say this truck has a name!" We put the tree in Toni's precious truck bed. "Roberta." She looks down. "Roberta?!" She looks at me. "My dad named her! I got the truck after! I didn't want to rename her, it gets to confusing." I sigh and shake my head. "Only you Toni." I pull her into a kiss. "It's cute." I whisper. "Let's go home." She goes to the front seats. "We need candy canes." I say going into the passenger seat. "And the ribbon." She smiles. "You're 5 years old!" I say quietly. "Yeah but you love me." She whispers. "Yeah I do." I kiss her. We drive off, get everything we need and go home. Luckily Toni can lift shit because if not the tree wouldn't have left the bed of the truck. Did Toni have to call her dad about how to get the knitting off the tree with out making a complete mess? Yes? Did we have to go to Home Depot to get something to cut through the knitting because we didn't even have scissors? Yes! Is the same thing going to happen when we graduate college and get married with a house and everything? Definitely! Once we finally had it set up and decorated, we sat in front of it staring at it for a minute. "Something is off." I say quietly. I snap my finger. "Lights!" Toni groans. "We're not going back out." She whispers. "We can do it tomorrow, I'm just saying we need them." She smiles. "Do we though? Like I brought something that my family does with the Christmas tree and you brought something that your family does with the tree. How about we make that our own." She suggest. "No! The tree makes me want to fall asleep. How about we collect ornaments for each year we spend together." I suggest. "Ok, but this is our second Christmas together." Toni whispers. "So we'll get one for last year and this year. Again we can do that tomorrow. When we get the lights." She smiles. "Aren't lights a fire hazard?" She ask. "Well, we'll only turn them on when we are home and awake, we'll be ok. And I'll check them to make sure they aren't getting heated up. Also they are a lot safer now." I kiss her cheek. "True." I whisper. Toni's phone rings and she picks it up. "Hi dad." She sighs. "Yes we got it all figured it out." She whispers. "Yes." She sighs. "I know we'll be safe." She whispers. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye." She looks at me and hunches over and puts her hand over her mouth. "I love you too dad." She whispers embarrassed. Toni hangs up and looks at me. "Aww, you love your dad!" She looks down. "Shut up." She whispers.

"You ok?" Toni ask quietly. "Yeah." I sit next to her in bed. She looks at me. "What's wrong?" She ask. "I don't know." I whisper. "Well, talk to me." She sits in front of me. I look down. "I think everything is starting to set in." I whisper. She smiles sadly. "I'm sorry you're can't spend Christmas with your family this year, but here's the good news, after Christmas we're going home and we'll have Christmas with our friends! Ok?" I nod. "That probably wasn't the best pick-me-up, but I'm better at pep talks before a big game." I smile. "It's cute though." I kiss her. "And it did make me feel better." I whisper. "Because you're a bumbling idiot." She laughs quietly. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I smile. I kiss her softly and she kisses back. "I just realized something." I whisper. "What?" I bite my lip. "You're the only person I've dated, that pissed off my mother." She looks at me confused. "That's a good thing!" Toni nods and smiles like she just won an argument. "Yeah." She laughs a little. I kiss her again. "You sure you don't like sex?" I ask quietly. "Yes. I still kinda feel like I'm stopping you from having something you want." She whispers. "Do you know what's funny?" She shakes her head. "I feel the complete opposite. I feel like you are only having sex with me because I want to have sex." She shrugs. "Do you mean to much?" She ask concerned. "Yeah." I whisper. "We are a weird couple." She whispers. "Yeah, but we love each other and we are honest with each other, so I will take weird if it means all that." I tell her. "I like weird." She smiles. "I do to." I say before kissing her. "And honestly I do like that I don't have to put out for you." We both laugh. "One of the pros of dating me." She whispers. I love this girl more than anything. "Want to watch a movie?" She ask quietly. "Can we snuggle?" I ask. "We can still watch the movie too right?" I smile and nod. "Of course! Why wouldn't we?" I look at her. "Well, why wouldn't we snuggle?" She ask me. "You have a point."


I slowly wake up. "Merry Christmas." I hear. I look and see Cheryl. "What?" I ask barely conscious. "It's Christmas!" She says excitedly. I sit up. "I made coffee." She whispers. "What time is it?" I ask quietly. "Almost 12. I couldn't wait any longer." She smiles. "Coffee!" I get up and we go downstairs. "You didn't get me much right?" I ask quietly. "No!" She smiles. "Really?" I ask. "Because I didn't get you much because I'm a broke college student living off of microwave Mac and Cheese." I add. She smiles. "I didn't get you any expensive! I did get you a few small things though." I nod. "Ok, that works." I whisper. "I pretty much did the same thing." I kiss her. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I pour some coffee for myself. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I ask quietly. "Because I've only been up for like 20 minutes and I needed to shower and stuff." I nod. "Ew! Cleanliness!" I joke as we go into the living room. We opens some presents and nothing interesting for both of us. I look at her. "Wanna see if McDonalds is open?" She ask clearly bored. "Sure!"

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