【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨】𝐄𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐢𝐠𝐚 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧!

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As both Link and Marluxia entered the Chief's throne room, Marluxia smiled " Hey there Chief!" She said as she walked over to the child and did some sort of weird handshake with her before turning over to the guard next to the throne and attempted to do the same thing, but the guard only glared " Hey hey it's alright a lot of Gerudos cant do it" Marluxia teased before joining Links side. " Who is your friend?" Riju asked. Before Marluxia could answer, Riju sat up "This appears to be more than a common traveler... You there- what's your name?"  " I am Link" the blonde Hylian responded. "And what have you both came here to tell me?" Riju asked. Link cleared his throat " I can calm Na-" " He can calm Naboris down!" Marluxia interrupted Link, but sounded happier than how Link was going to deliver it.

" Ha! Do you think you have what it takes to subdue something so powerful as a Divine Beast? The ones who can actually control it where champions such as Lady Urbosa, and all the Champions died of the calamity 100 years ago" The guard known as Buliara spoke. Marluxia blinked "But-" Then Riju interrupted " A memory just popped into my head, what mother said, she said in the Calamity 100 years ago, the princess of Hyrule placed a fallen swordsman into a deep sleep, That swordsman also had the same name...Link, it seemed more of a legend than a fact, look at the device on his hip. It's a Sheikah device, they don't just give that to everyone." Buliara glanced at Riju, then at Link " I don't think the Hylian champion was a vai..." Then Buliara set her sword down on the ground loudly " Marluxia! You let a voe into the town?!" Riju then turned to Buliara " Well, letting a voe into the town is a great crime, but a voe who was a former champion? Well we can never mistreat a friend of Lady Urbosa, so I will let this slide, and if you are here to calm Naboris then consider us allies." Riju then added " Naboris is cloaked in a massive sandstorm hurling lightening whoever dares to approach it. If you are truly a Champion, perhaps you will be able to enter Naboris and calms its anger." "Lady Riju! I don't see how you can trust some stranger with such an important task!" Buliara spoke. "Perhaps if this person were to prove his worth by recovering the Thunder Helm" Marluxia blinked and snapped her fingers " Oh yeah! I forgot about that, don't worry! The Linkster can totally recover the helm, I bet all my rupees on it!" "Linkster...?" Link had been called many things, but never that.

"What an interesting suggestion" Riju smiled. "You see, there is only one thing in Hyrule that can withstand Naboris lightening the Thunder Helm, but sadly it has been stolen." "If he truly is a Champion he should easily be able to do this. Our soldiers will tell you everything you need to know about the stolen heirloom" Buliara stated. Link nodded and motioned Marluxia to follow him.

As they left the throne room and headed towards the solider training area, Marluxia pouted "Don't you get upset when people underestimate you? Oh, we will show Buliara that we have this totally under control!"  "We...?" Link questioned "Yeah we! Remember I'm your sidekick now, can't let you have all the fun, I totally have your back." Link just gave a tiny, but confused smile in return.

The two walked over to the group of Gerudo guards. "Hey I haven't seen Barta around, where has she gone off to?" One asked. " She said she was going to scout the thieves hideout, but left before we can say anything, now that I think about it, she has been gone for two days." The other replied. "A-are you serious?! Why did you let her go by herself! " Marluxia nudged Link "Captains over there" she spoke. Link and Marluxia decided to walk over to the captain.  " What are you both doing here? This isn't a place for tourists! "The captain spoke. Marluxia placed her hands on her hips, "Chief told us to come here, we are gonna head out to look for the Thunder Helm, so give us what you got!" she smiled. "M-my apologies, the heirloom was stolen by the Yiga Clan, their hideout is in Karusa Valley." Then the captain spoke up "Everyone listen up! This Hylian vai and Marluxia agreed to help us, so offer all the information you have." She then looked down at the two "If you have any more questions let me know."

The two walked outside of Gerudo Town. "You wanna know the trick to getting on a wild sand seal?" Marluxia smirked as she tiptoed over to one and then grabbed its tail and got on her shield. "Always hold their tail" she smiled as she did a little circle around Link. Link nodded doing what he was instructed and was able to get on one.  "Alright hero, Karusa Valley is that way!" she said pointing to a direction. "Er...my Sheikah Slate says its that way." Link pointed in a different direction. "That way!" Marluxia corrected herself enthusiastically pointing to where Link was pointing. Then they began to sand seal towards Kasura Valley.

Once arriving, the two were ambushed by Yiga Clan members, but they were able to easily take them down. "Man the best part about defeating them is that they leave money and food!" Marluxia said, grabbing all she could. Link was confused, just earlier she couldn't fight them...now she can? She was....confusing. They continued on their way as the reached inside, seeing Barta in a cage! The two quietly walked over to Barta. "psst Barta" Marluxia whispered. "M-Marluxia? And a Hylian vai? I'm fine...just don't get caught or you'll be locked up like me." " Ok gotcha...also we still on for Tuesday for sand sealing?"  Link nudged Marluxia, indicating they needed to keep moving.

Link was able to distract the guards and for the two of them to sneak pass, sadly though, Marluxia had to sacrifice her bananas, which she seemed to be upset about, but they were soon able to walk through a door.

"Hey!" A voice was heard. Suddenly a Yiga Clan member appeared behind them but he looked different than the others. "Who the heck are you two and why are you both in my napping spot?!" Marluxia nudged Link "Pretty crappy napping spot if you ask me heh." Link couldn't help but give a small chuckle, she was right though. "Stop Laughing! ....Hey! That thing on you waist is that a ...that means...ITS YOU! THE LINK GUY I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR! I am the leader of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga, prepare for your demise!"

Link was able to defeat the leader of the Yiga Clan with Marluxias help, he didn't need it but it made things end faster! Once the leader had fallen down the hole in the middle of the area due to his mistakes, Marluxia smirked. "Haha! Eat sand Yiga Clan." She said kicking sand in the hole before moonwalking a bit "Who da best?~I'm da best!~"  Link just looked at her confused. Marluxia stopped her dancing "What? You don't do a victory dance after beating up monsters or these guys?" She asked. Link shook his head no. "Come on! Do something! Trust me you'll feel TEN times better after doing it, kills some of the stress. Dude, you're like 100 years old, If you're going to be all serious you're gonna start looking like it. Come on! It doesn't have to be dance, it could anything!" Link thought for a moment before bringing his fingers to his lips and doing a whistle. "Haha! That's the spirit!" Marluxia walked over to the chest as she opened it seeing the Thunder Helm, she spun it around her finger "Next stop, Naboris" Marluxia smirked before hitting her head on the Helm "Ow!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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𝐋𝐎𝐙: 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐖 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now