
228 5 0

Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Word Count: 1,055

Warning: Violence, Swearing, Mentions of Blood

Summary: The reader is friends with Peter Parker not know he is the friendly neighborhood Spider-man.

Looking at the clock, it was now an hour later than the time Peter had said he would come over

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Looking at the clock, it was now an hour later than the time Peter had said he would come over. Pulling your phone out, you decided to give him a call.




"Hey this is Peter. Please leave a message."

Letting out a saddened sigh, you hung up not bothering to leave a voicemail. Getting up from the couch, you made your way to your room changing into a pair of sweatpants and a shirt you had stolen from Peter. Grabbing a blanket, you made your way back to the living room. Pressing play, you began the Starwars marathon without your best friend.

The sound a of a BOOM! erupting outside, startled you awake. Looking towards the window, it was covered in raindrops, as the sound of pouring rain sounded through your apartment. Grabbing your phone, you had several messages from Peter. Many of them apologizing for missing the movie marathon.

Sighing, you got up and looked out of the livingroom window.

"You're awake." A husky voice sounded behind you.

Letting out a scream, you turned to face the voice.

"Peter!" You shrieked, "What the hell!" Placing a hand over your heart, feeling it beat at a rapid pace.

"Sorry." Peter frowned, "I missed our movie marathon."

"Yeah." You whispered, looking down at your hands.

"I'm here now." He tried, "We...We could watch some of the movies now?"

The hope in his voice, melted your heart. Feeling heat in your chest, the butterflies erupted in your stomach.

"Okay." You whispered.

Sitting side by side on the couch, you began watching the Starwars saga. Sometime during the movies, you had laid down with Peter spooning you. Soft snore fell from the man behind you. His hot breath, running into the side of your neck, as he nuzzled closer to you in his sleep. The comfort causing you to close your eyes falling asleep in his arms.

Waking up, you were surprised that Peter had staid the night. Gently, you tried to lift his arm from your waist so you could stand up. A groan came from behind you, as his arm tightened around your waist.

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