Chapter 23

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Oh baby you are the one
The only one,kika shigo rayuwa na kika haska
This must be love
This must be love
                                          The one-Morell
Hameed's P.O.V

OK guys!!!

I went out with Haneefah and she's a whole vibe!!

Nothing like I've seen before.

I'm so out of words.

We had a lot of fun. Copacabana  was another different horizon of fun on it's own for us.

Meeting Chucks was definitely a blessing.

"Thanks for coming through" were Haneefah's last words as she alighted from my car.

She sure left a trace of her presence in my car,the car kept scenting like her.

But most importantly, she left a trace of her presence in my mind.

This is not a day I'm easily gonna forget.

I drove back home.

Entering the sitting room I saw Asma'u and Khadijah busy going through what God knows on Baba's iPad.

"Welcome back" Khadijah saluted

"Amarya!(bride) how are you doing?"

"I'm fine" she replied

"Modern bride kenan! She's started going out before 30 days of marriage" I joked

"Haha,haba! This is 2020 fa Yaya" she said

"I see,toh ina shi angon?(where's the groom?)" I asked when I clearly saw he was nowhere around.

"Ask Asma'u oh,it's like we're sharing Faruk together" Khadijah replied pointing at Asma'u,who did like she wasn't aware of what was happening.

"Hajiya Asma'u!" I called turning to her direction

"Na'am(yes)" she smiled

"Where's Faruk?"


"When is you guys flight?" I asked him

"In 3 days"

",I'm kinda sleepy wallahi" I said while I yawn.

*Video call from Haneefah*

"Shit! She's calling"

"Who?" Faruk asked

'The girl" I replied

"Hey" I answered the call

"Hiiiii" she said elongating the 'i'

"You home safe?" She asked

"Yeah,I was about to even take a nap" I said trying to adjust my pillow for no reason.

"Oh nice! You are enjoying oo" she said,as if she ain't on her bed too.

"Not really.. I'm just kinda tired" I said rubbing my hair

"Helloo" Faruk interrupted without showing his face

"Hey,who's there?" She laughed

"Trust me,It's no one" I told her smiling while giving Faruk a 'you see your life?' type of look.

"Alright, goodnight" she said

"Thanks, goodnight" I waved at her

End of call

"Faruk you see your life?"

"I just wanted to see the lucky girl" he replied

"I think we should be going home soon" he added

"Yeah,you guys should get going, it's getting late" I seconded the move

We moved to the parlour and sat on the carpet after we greeted Mama.

"Faruk tell this yeye boy to go and look for a wife o" Mama teased

"Mama he'll soon bring one home" he replied shyly

"Oh,so there's one and you're hiding her from me" mama lamented

"May be we should give him Zeenah" Kjadijah interrupted

"Waye kuma Zeenah? (Which one is Zeenah again?)" I asked

"Kut! I'll tell Zeenah that you don't even know her anymore! The Zeenah you once crushed on,the fair girl that used to come with Hajiya Hauwa,mama's childhood friend?" Khadijah explained

"Ohhhh, that little girl?" I joked

"You haven't seen her now dai" Khadijah said

She continued, "she is now a big girl o! She's here in the uni sef"

"Wait,she's even in university?, wow" I exclaimed

"Toh! A kawo maka ita ne? (Should we bring her for you?)" Mama said

" guys should just give me time" I said

I don't know why everyone is bothered with me getting married. I can't remember telling anyone I'm ready to marry sef.

"Mama we'll get going" Faruk told his in-law

"It's okay. Thanks for the visit and I wish you people safe journey,we'll keep in touch In Sha Allah" Mama replied

We escorted the Faruks to their car.

Watching Faruk open the door for Khadijah made me so happy. At least, I'm sure my sister is in the right hands In Sha Allah.

A natural thought just hit me. What about all those people out there abusing their wives? Don't they have sisters? Wouldn't they stand up for their sisters if someone treated them badly? Or is it just pure wickedness? It's a complex thing I still can't understand.

I took a quick shower and laid to sleep.

All I call reminisce of was my evening with Haneefah.

Her scent

Her eyes

Her smile

But I'm not so carried away.

This time, I'm really scared to fall for someone again.

I've followed my heart before and it took me somewhere I wish I never knew.
This time around, I'm taking my brain along.


But Zeenah is a nice girl! Isn't she?

She used to spend parts of her holidays with us.

But Haneefah has been good so far even though it's early to judge.

I'll hold on to Haneefah and see how things roll.

Besides, we haven't been in touch with Zeenah for a very long time. I'll just try and connect to her for now.

This game of love is uncertain. It's like a game of pool. One may exhaust all his balls and get stuck at hitting the black ball to the right pocket,until someone else does,and then you have lost. You have to start all over.

I pulled up my phone and gave Khadijah a call.

"Hello" she answered

"Hi,are you guys home yet?"

"Yeah,almost,we're taking the last turn"

"Oh okay. That's good. Do you have Zeenah's pictures with you?"

"Ahh! Seriously? I don't but I'll find it for you" she said


It's already 10:50pm. I need to sleep. I have a busy schedule tomorrow. The "virtual meeting" system will be launched tomorrow. And i have always been prompt,I can't afford to be late now that it's time to meet with my CEO. I heard he's a man of principles. One mistake and you'll be risking your contract. He's a real CEO,a boss.

Authors note: Thank y'all for stopping by to read this boring chapter. Na so so hunger dey wia me for body right now😂 thanks for reading. Please Invite your friends and don't forget to vote. Nagode🙏

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