Chapter 3 Summary

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Emily is shocked! Why is Lauren kissing her? What does this mean? A million thoughts run in Emily's mind, and she just freezes as Lauren kisses her. Eventually she comes to her senses and pushes Lauren away, shocked. At the same time, she is angry, because she doesn't know how to feel, so she quickly runs out and passes from Robert. Lauren tries to follow Emily, but Robert grabs Lauren's hand and demands an explanation. Lauren just shakes her head, with nothing to explain, and Robert leaves her alone, feeling disappointed.

Meanwhile, Brittany and David finish their date, until David sees Emily crying. He walks up to her and asks her what the issue was, but Emily could not bring herself to tell him the truth. So she lies and says that stress from work is getting the best of her. David gives her a pat on the shoulder, telling her to stay strong and she blushes. Her love for David hasn't faded, but little did she know that if Brittany finds out, her life is going to be a living hell. A quarrel between an enemy, a love for her boyfriend, and her best friend who did something unexpected.

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