Chapter 6 Summary

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[WARNING!! If you are not comfortable with the content in this chapter, DO NOT READ IT]

As Emily begins to tear up, she begins to question Lauren's intentions towards her and why she began to do this to her. Lauren sighs and explains that she only wants her to get prepared for what to expect when she sees David again. Though Emily is skeptical, she does trust Lauren after all, and they were best friends. Lauren jumps in Emily's room and the two begin their practice again as Lauren kisses Emily. The two eventually get caught in the moment, and Lauren somehow takes Emily's shirt off as she does the same to herself. It felt extremely strange for Emily, as it made her feel different. But she can't tell if she was uncomfortable or prepared.

Back to Melanie and Sarah, the two are preparing to grab the necessary items to help Brittany with their plan to destroy Emily's guts. However, they are both interrupted by Robert who figures everything, and he doesn't buy their threats unlike Lauren. Robert immediately sends Lauren a text that they should expose the girls, unaware that Brittany is planning to do something much worse. She later finds out that David went to a cafe with Emily, and this causes her blood to boil like crazy! What a drama queen.

Hope is Lost in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora