Chapter 7 Summary

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Emily and Lauren end up laying down together until Lauren receives Robert's text. Emily is worried about what is happening, but Lauren tells her not to worry and that she should go out or something. Emily agrees and then gets ready to head back home while Lauren agrees to meet up with Robert to help him sabotage Brittany's plan. As Emily leaves Lauren's house, she finds David and he takes her to the park so they could hang out together, and she feels like she is in heaven. Little did she know that Brittany is actually spying on her.

As soon as Brittany finds Emily heading to the park, she jumps on her, but David immediately pulls her away and the two get into a huge fight. Emily tries to escape, but Melanie and Sarah grab her arms, and David calls Brittany out for taking her jealousy to the next level, which leads to Brittany breaking up with David and blaming Emily for her ruined relationship. As soon as she is finished ranting, Robert and Lauren catch her in the act and threaten to tell the principal everything. This only makes her angrier and she charges to Emily to punch her face, but David jumps in and he takes the black eye from her. This leaves Emily scared and she takes him to the nurse while everyone else exits in silence.

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