Chapter 10

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Nathan's Pov: 

The ambulance finally came. They carefully picked up Jennifer from the floor. She was losing a lot of blood.  I was so worried, I couldn't focus on anything else besides her. We finally arrived at the hospital. 

"Sir you have stayed in the visiter area," the nurse said. 

"Please take care of her," I said worriedly. 

"We will sir please go sit," the nurse said with a kind voice. 

I nodded and went to the sitting area. 

"Hey brother I am here," my sister Sarah came in hugging me. 

"I am worried about her," I said.

"We have to just relax and pray she is okay," Sarah said. 

"What happened to Carmen," I asked. 

"She escaped. The police are trying to find her but she is nowhere to be found," Sarah said. 

I nodded. Gosh, I shouldn't have taken her back home when Ceasar popped out of nowhere. 

"Brother it is not your fault," Sarah said trying to calm me down. 

"I should have protected her. But she protected me. I should be the one in the hospital bed. Not her. It should be me," I said sadly. 

"Brother she saved you. If it was you she would have said the same thing you are saying right now. She loves you and she would protect you from everything," Sarah said. 

She has a point. If I was on the hospital bed she would be worried as well. 

"Are you guys the family of Mrs.Jenny," the doctor asked. 

I looked up and jumped up from my seat. 

"Yes, I am her boyfriend. How is she doctor is she okay," I asked. 

"She lost a lot of blood. So she is very weak and pale right now. She might be in pain because of the stab later on when she wakes up. But overall she is good. She is alive," the doctor happily said.  

"Okay, I got it Doc. May I go see her," I asked politely. 

"Yes you may," Doc said. 

I walked through the halls and found her room. I went in and I saw her lying on the bed peacefully. I grabbed a chair and moved it right close to her. I sat down and grabbed her hand. 

"Jenny I thought I might have lost you," I said kissing her hand. 

"I got scared. Your the first person I have actually cared about with my whole heart. If you didn't make it I don't know what I would have done. I might have gone crazy and become the old me. Start to drink and do drugs. I don't ever want to lose you. I can't loose you. Because I love you so much," I said pulling her tiny soft hand to my cheek. 

"I love you too Nate," I heard a soft whisper. 

I looked and saw Jenny. Her eyes were open. Her beautiful hazel eyes were looking at me. 

She started to move and get up. 

"Hey take it easy please," I said calmly. 

"How long was I out," she asked. 

"For a while," I said. 

"What happened to Carmen," she asked. 

"She escaped," I said. 

"And Ceasar," she asked. 

"Well when you stabed him he fell on the floor. But then everyone was worried about you. No one payed attention to Cesar so he escaped as well," I said. 

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