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(Cherry Bomb's P.O.V.)

Brand shoves us all down some sort of waterslide and Mouth and I end up together I cry because I am terrified of drowning when I hit the bottom. 

"Mouth, are we almost at the bottom?" I call my voice echoing.

"Not quite Cherry Bomb, but I think we might be getting close," he calls back.

All of a sudden my best friend disappears dropping down into the water I scream and close my eyes as I follow suit, dropping down into the water. I panic looking around for Mouth as I pop back up and don't see him right away, when he pops up I rush over to him in the water as fast as I can.

"Oh, God Mouth, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm okay Cherry Bomb."

I hold him close for a bit stroking his wet hair and saying, "I'm so glad that you're okay. Also Mouth?"

"Yeah, your hair is pretty cute when it's wet and I like your bangs wet too."

He blushes and we lean in to kiss one another but Data shouts, "Shame shame! Know your name!"

I remove my arms from around Mouth's neck and chase after Data splashing him and he splashes back until Brand yells, "Will you two cut that out?! Start climbing."

"No, you Brand!" I respond childishly.

"Cherry Bomb, just go will you?" he answers me back sounding exasperated.

"You spend way too much time with Mouth. And that's why his personality wears off on you Cherry Bomb!" Mikey says.

I stick my tongue out at him and slip on the wet deck of the ship Mikey catching me.

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