The Day they all Moved in

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Author's note: the map of the apartments is the best representation I could make.

Author's note: If you didn't read the Profiles please get the descriptions of characters.

Authors note: wow I haven't published anything. might not post past chapter 4 sorry


Patton had been prepared for this day for almost a week but he was still nervous. Each of the people he had selected was coming today each had already selected their rooms so Patton knew who was staying in which room. Patton had double and triple checked to make sure the individualized signs on the doors were on the right door. Despite this Patton was still nervous. He hadn't met a single one of these people IRL before. he had done background checks on all of them because he didn't want to get murdered (or let anyone else get murdered) by someone he let move. It was 8:30 so the first his 3 new roommates was coming soon. 

Patton wore his favorite outfit to comfort himself. His glasses (obviously) blue polo that he self embroidered with a small heart and his khaki pants he was going to wear his cardigan around his shoulders but decided it was best he didn't do that today.

Patton jumped a little when he heard the knock on the door he took a deep breath and walked to the door and opened it slowly.

"Hey, Patton." The person was not one of his new roommates it was Dice. "Sorry to bug you but I still need my VHS player back." Dice put down his coffee and took off his overcoat. He hung the coat on the coat rack by the door. 

Patton took a sigh of relief "of course Dice

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Patton took a sigh of relief "of course Dice." Patton walked over to the bar seat where he had left it. "I'm so sorry for not getting this back to you sooner I have just had a lot going on with this whole new roommate thing not to mention... well you know." Patton handed Dice the VHS player. Bice took it then set it on the counter next to the door.

Dice was wearing his typical attire. long sleeve shirt,  jeans, and his scarf, all in black of course. His sunglasses were so dark and reflective Patton was never 100% sure he could see.

"Patton, It's a good thing he broke up with you. He isn't worth the time of day.what did I tell you when you started dating him?"

"You said he was going to break my heart. You said that dating him was like going to see The Texting Movie it seemed like it would be a good idea but once you try and get into it it would be a trainwreck."

"Exactly. Cheer up Patton" Dice affectionately patted Patton's cheek "For all, we know the perfect guy for you is just waiting to meet you."

Patton smiled.

"See that's much better" Dice grabbed his coat and put it back on. He then grabbed his VHS player and his coffee. "I better get going nothing critics itself" he kissed Patton on both of his cheeks and left. Patton went back to doing nothing. or in this case, pretending to clean the counter and forgetting to close the door. Not even 30 seconds after Dice left the person Patton had been expecting walked in. 

A New Home (a Sanders Sides Roommate au)Where stories live. Discover now